Kinesiotaping | Ankle joint instability

Kinesiotaping Kinesiotape is often used for instabilities. This supports the function of the tendons and can lead to an improved feeling of stability. However, the use of Kinesiotape is a symptomatic and not a causal treatment! This means that the cause of the instability is not treated.Since Kinesiotaping is not a permanent solution, it should … Kinesiotaping | Ankle joint instability

OP | Physiotherapy for hallux rigidus

OP In the case of therapy-resistant complaints, a highly advanced hallux rigidus or a severely restricted gait pattern, a surgical procedure is recommended. There are different approaches that should be adapted to the patient. Cheilectomy is recommended for patients whose joint function is severely restricted by bony attachments (osteophytes). The osteophytes can be removed and … OP | Physiotherapy for hallux rigidus

Physiotherapy for hallux rigidus

The hallux rigidus describes the degenerative change of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe up to stiffening. There is a decrease in cartilage mass and quality, recurring painful inflammation in the joint and increasingly limited joint function. Similar to osteoarthritis, which is often the cause of hallux rigidus, the partial complete loss of cartilage … Physiotherapy for hallux rigidus

Physiotherapy for carpal tunnel syndrome

In carpal tunnel syndrome, physiotherapy is the standard method of conservative therapy. The aim is to eliminate the constriction of the median nerve in order to improve the symptoms. In physiotherapeutic treatment, there are various therapy options available to achieve this goal, which are selected according to the individual situation of the patient. You can … Physiotherapy for carpal tunnel syndrome

Healing time | Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture of the hand

Healing time The healing time is individual depending on the patient. Radiographs are taken repeatedly during the healing process to assess the state of fracture healing. However, healing usually takes up to 3 months with conservative therapy. During this time, the hand should be completely immobilized, or, if the physician gives the okay, it should … Healing time | Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture of the hand

When does surgery have to be performed? | Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture of the hand

When does surgery have to be performed? An operation is necessary: In this case the fragments are properly assembled and fixed by certain materials. In most cases, the fixation material remains in the bone. If a conservative therapy results in incorrect healing or insufficient connection of the bone fragments (pseudarthrosis), surgery may still be necessary … When does surgery have to be performed? | Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture of the hand