Sarcoidosis Prognosis

Sarcoidosis is a disease that either resolves on its own or can only be treated symptomatically. Regardless of the stage of sarcoidosis diagnosed, regular follow-up examinations are indicated, although their frequency and nature vary depending on therapy and severity. In stage I, semi-annual examinations are sufficient, otherwise they are indicated every three to six months. … Sarcoidosis Prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 2 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 2 Stage 2 tumours in the UICC classification are tumours that have not yet spread to other organs or lymph nodes, but are larger locally in the intestine than in stage 1, i.e. they are stage T3 or T4 cancers. In these stages, the tumour has already spread to the outermost … Colon cancer UICC stage 2 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 4 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 4 Stage 4 is the final stage of colon cancer. Bowel cancer is classified as stage 4 when the tumour has metastasised (spread to other organs). Stage 4 is further divided into stages 4a and 4b. In stage 4a, only one other organ is affected by metastases, whereas in stage 4b … Colon cancer UICC stage 4 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Stages of hip arthrosis

Hip Pain If you are looking for the cause of your hip pain or you do not know exactly what is causing your hip pain, let us guide you through our hip pain diagnostics and arrive at the most likely diagnosis. Hip arthrosis (synonyms: hip joint arthrosis, coxarthrosis) is a degenerative disease of the hip … Stages of hip arthrosis

Sarcoidosis Therapy

As different as the symptoms, the affected organs, and the course of sarcoidosis are, so individual is the approach to sarcoidosis therapy. In mild forms of sarcoidosis, regular therapy may be unnecessary; in severe courses, preparations are used in which the benefits and side effects of therapy must be carefully weighed. Drug therapy for sarcoidosis … Sarcoidosis Therapy

Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

General For the prognosis of a breast cancer disease it is crucial in which stage of the disease the patient is. Early detection measures considerably improve the chances of recovery and can be over 90%. This applies to women whose tumour is in an early stage when the diagnosis is made. In general, the prognosis … Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

What are the chances of recovery if metastases are present? | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

What are the chances of recovery if metastases are present? Probably the most important prognostic factor for a good cure for breast cancer is the lymph node status. This is determined on the basis of metastases in lymph nodes. Depending on its malignancy, breast cancer tends to metastasize rapidly to the lymph nodes of the … What are the chances of recovery if metastases are present? | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

Histological grading | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

Histological grading Apart from important prognostic factors such as lymph node involvement and receptor status of the tumor, histological grading also plays an important role. Under the microscope, the cells of the tumour are assessed from a tissue sample of the breast and the grading is determined on the basis of this. Tumours whose cells … Histological grading | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

HER2 receptor lowers chances of cure | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

HER2 receptor lowers chances of cure The HER2 receptor is a protein located on the surface of cells. This receptor influences the division of cells. The more HER2 receptors the cell carries, the more pronounced its division behaviour is. In some types of breast cancer, an extremely large number of the receptors are located on … HER2 receptor lowers chances of cure | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

What are the chances of recovery in case of a relapse? | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

What are the chances of recovery in case of a relapse? The greatest fear of most people who suffer from cancer is the occurrence of a relapse. Recurrences are disease relapses that can also occur after breast cancer has been cured. A distinction is made between early and late relapses. Early recurrences occur within the … What are the chances of recovery in case of a relapse? | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

Conclusion | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?

Conclusion Early detection in particular plays a major role in the prognosis and chance of recovery from breast cancer. If the cancer is detected early and treated adequately, it is usually easy to treat and the chances of recovery are high. All articles in this series: Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances … Conclusion | Diagnosis breast cancer – How good are my chances of recovery?