Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a highly complex clinical picture, which can be accompanied by numerous secondary diseases, symptoms and difficulties. Ultimately, all chronic diseases of the liver tissue lead to a remodelling of the liver cells and cirrhosis without treatment or elimination of the causes. Over time, cirrhosis of the liver restricts all … Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? Liver cirrhosis describes a chronic remodelling process of the liver tissue with a slowly progressing loss of liver function. In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, numerous parts of the liver are often still functional and can easily compensate for the cirrhotic … Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver