Lower Abdominal Pain: Causes, Therapy

Brief overview Description:Acute or chronic pain in the abdomen of varying location (right, left, bilateral) and characteristics (stabbing, pulling, colicky, etc.). Causes:Menstruation, endometriosis, inflammation of the prostate, torsion of the testicles tumors of the genital organs, urinary tract infection, urinary stones, constipation, appendicitis. When to see a doctor?In case of atypical and long-lasting abdominal pain, … Lower Abdominal Pain: Causes, Therapy

Stomach pain due to stress

Definition Long-term physical or psychological stress can sometimes be projected onto the stomach and cause discomfort there. The reason for this is usually a reduced blood supply to the mucous membrane of the stomach, which slows down the metabolic processes of the cells located there. Physiologically, these cells produce a layer of mucus that lies … Stomach pain due to stress

Diagnosis of abdominal pain | Stomach ache before the period

Diagnosis of abdominal pain First, the temporal course of the pain is discussed in a doctor’s consultation and linked to the cycle. For this purpose it can be helpful to keep a symptom diary over a period of a few weeks. In addition, other causes, such as hypothyroidism or irritable bowel syndrome, must be excluded. … Diagnosis of abdominal pain | Stomach ache before the period