
Synonym Gastroscopy Definition Gastroscopy is a primarily diagnostic but also therapeutic procedure using an endoscopic camera to inspect the stomach and esophagus. Gastroscopy is the technique of choice to examine diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. For the following complaints, gastroscopy can help to find the cause and the right therapy: In addition, gastroscopy … Gastroscopy

Duration | Gastroscopy

Duration The gastroscopy itself is a short examination and usually over after 5-10 minutes. However, the entire duration of the examination depends on the type of anesthesia. In case of a gastroscopy under anaesthesia, the preparation as well as the post-examination care requires considerably more time. In this case a time expenditure of approx. 2-3 … Duration | Gastroscopy

Complications | Gastroscopy

Complications In general, performing a gastroscopy is associated with few risks and there are hardly any complications. Nevertheless, it is important to name the possible complications before the examination. Since the digestive tract is inflated with air during the examination, flatulence may occur immediately afterwards. A feeling of fullness and increased belching can also occur. … Complications | Gastroscopy

Diclofenac and alcohol – is it compatible?

Introduction Pain can be bothersome and protracted. Relief is often promised by painkillers that target different mechanisms of action and application. One of these so-called analgesics (painkillers) is the drug diclofenac. Diclofenac is classified as a non-opioid analgesic and is used for mild to moderate pain. A further area of application for Diclofenac is inflammation, … Diclofenac and alcohol – is it compatible?

Mode of action | Diclofenac and alcohol – is it compatible?

Mode of action The effect of diclofenac is based on an inhibition of the cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2, which are responsible for the regulation of inflammation. As enzymes they express substances such as prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a tissue hormone responsible for pain, inflammation and blood clotting. By the non-selective inhibition of the cyclooxygenases, Diclofenac develops … Mode of action | Diclofenac and alcohol – is it compatible?

Therapy of gastrointestinal bleeding

Definition gastrointestinal bleeding A gastrointestinal bleeding is a bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract that is visible from the outside. Blood is either vomited or excreted with the bowel movement. The appearance of the blood allows conclusions to be drawn about the source of the bleeding. Therapy gastrointestinal bleeding The therapy gastrointestinal bleeding initially focuses on … Therapy of gastrointestinal bleeding

Complications and prognosis | Therapy of gastrointestinal bleeding

Complications and prognosis Complications are most often caused by the underlying underlying disease (e.g. stomach ulcer (see above) or a stomach cancer). The bleeding itself can also endanger the patient’s vitality through circulatory shock. In the case of liver diseases, there is a risk of decompensation due to the severe blood loss, i.e. the damaged … Complications and prognosis | Therapy of gastrointestinal bleeding