How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against conjunctivitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

Eyebright and calendula in the form of compresses can be used several times a day. The compresses should be changed after about 10 to 15 minutes in order to guarantee maximum development of the active ingredients.The quark coatings, on the other hand, should only be used several times a day under certain conditions. The reason for this is that the quark can have a drying effect on the eyes, which can lead to additional irritation. The quark topping should therefore not be used for more than half an hour.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

Whether conjunctivitis can be treated with household remedies alone depends on the cause of the disease. In many cases the inflammation is caused by viruses. These can be healed by sufficient adherence to hygiene measures and household remedies. In contrast, a doctor should be consulted in the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, as an antibiotic eye ointment is required. If in doubt, an ophthalmologist should be consulted if the type of pathogen is unclear.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Conjunctivitis leads to severe irritation in the area of the eye. The resulting pain and itching drives most of those affected to see an ophthalmologist by themselves. However, this doctor should be consulted at the latest if the symptoms do not improve after a few days. Other symptoms such as impaired vision, bleeding or severe pain should also be recognized as warning signs. In the case of recurring conjunctivitis, which responds well to home remedies, a visit to the doctor can also be made later if there is no improvement.

Which alternative therapy can still help?

There are several alternative treatment methods available for conjunctivitis. These include, for example, acupuncture massage according to the Penzel concept. It is similar in structure to classical acupuncture, but no needles are used.

Instead, targeted points in the body are massaged to promote the flow of energy. This can strengthen the immune system to counteract recurring conjunctivitis. The diet can also be adjusted in case of frequently occurring conjunctivitis.

Foods that should be avoided include pork, coffee and alcohol. Instead, the focus should be on the consumption of foods that contain many antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C. These include carrots, oranges, strawberries and broccoli. From the field of orthomolecular medicine, it is also recommended to take sufficient vitamins and additional elements. To this belong beside vitamin A and C also vitamin E, as well as the minerals zinc and selenium.