Stomach cramps with nausea

Stomach cramps, which occur in connection with pronounced nausea, can be a first indication of a variety of underlying diseases. For this reason, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the causal problem from the symptom complex “stomach cramps and nausea” alone. Every person suffers at least once in their life from more or less … Stomach cramps with nausea

Diagnosis | Stomach cramps with nausea

Diagnosis Especially in the case of stomach cramps in combination with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, the underlying disease should be diagnosed promptly. The first step in the search for the cause of stomach cramps and nausea is a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this conversation the exact location of the stomach cramps should be clarified. … Diagnosis | Stomach cramps with nausea

Prognosis | Stomach cramps with nausea

Prognosis The prognosis of stomach cramps associated with severe nausea depends mainly on the causative disease. Harmless bacterial or viral infections that cause stomach cramps and nausea due to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract usually heal completely within a few days. Stomach cramps caused by contaminated food can also be treated without any problems under … Prognosis | Stomach cramps with nausea