Prognosis | Stomach cramps with nausea


The prognosis of stomach cramps associated with severe nausea depends mainly on the causative disease. Harmless bacterial or viral infections that cause stomach cramps and nausea due to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract usually heal completely within a few days. Stomach cramps caused by contaminated food can also be treated without any problems under targeted therapy.

If the patient suffering from stomach cramps and nausea has an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the first step is to alleviate the symptoms and allow the affected gastric mucosa to regenerate. Affected patients should, however, observe certain rules of conduct even after successful relief of the symptoms. Among other things, additional stomach protection (e.g. proton pump inhibitors) should always be administered when taking medication. Since stomach cramps accompanied by pronounced nausea may also be caused by malignant changes within the gastrointestinal tract (tumor), such diseases should always be excluded.

Stomach cramps with nausea during pregnancy

Stomach cramps with nausea are an annoying, but in most cases quite normal accompanying phenomenon during pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes in the body, unusual changes occur, which often manifest themselves as nausea and vomiting, especially in the beginning. Since this irritates the stomach strongly, these complaints can also be accompanied by stomach cramps.

These problems often ease after the first three months, but they can also continue until the end of the pregnancy, as the mother’s hormone balance also continues to change as the child develops. In addition, the pregnancy hormones release the tension in the muscles of the internal organs to counteract premature contractions. This also loosens the sphincter muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus.

As a result, acidic food pulp can now flow back into the esophagus. This happens more often when lying down and triggers an irritation of the esophagus, which can be felt as heartburn (heartburn during pregnancy). Since this feeling is very unpleasant, stomach cramps with nausea during pregnancy can also occur here.

In the later stages of pregnancy, the baby grows in the mother’s abdomen to such an extent that it exerts pressure on other abdominal organs. Since the stomach is above the uterus, the pressure of the baby can cause cramps and nausea. Of course, other gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis or gastrointestinal infections, can also occur during pregnancy. If there are persistent complaints, they should therefore be clarified with a doctor.