Elongation-shortening Cycle: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In the stretch-shortening cycle (DVZ), an eccentric stretch of a muscle is followed by a concentric contraction of the same muscle, which conserves energy and uses the kinetic energy from the stretch. The DVZ plays an important role in reactive movements and is triggered by muscle flexibility and the stretch reflex. Disorders of the cycle … Elongation-shortening Cycle: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Reactive Movements: Function, Task & Diseases

Reactive movements are motor responses to physical and mental stimuli that are distinct from spontaneous movements. Essentially, reactive movements are based on the stretch-shortening cycle that occurs when muscles are actively lengthened. Reactive force is subject to disturbances in neurogenic lesions of the extrapyramidal system. What are reactive movements? Reactive movements usually correspond to rapid … Reactive Movements: Function, Task & Diseases

Reactive Power

Definition The reactive force is defined as the force required to achieve the highest possible force impact in the expansion/contraction cycle. The stretching-shortening cycle describes the phase between eccentric (yielding) and concentric (overcoming) working of the muscles. Structure of the reactive force A good reactive strength results from the maximum strength, the reactive tensing ability … Reactive Power

Reactive strength training | Reactive Power

Reactive strength training The training of the reactive force is primarily aimed at adjustments to the central nervous system. Training should therefore always take place in a rested state. Athletes who want to improve their reactive strength should try plyometric training. This involves dynamic movements that take advantage of the stretch concentration cycle. One plyometric … Reactive strength training | Reactive Power

Summary | Reactive Power

Summary The reactive force initially causes a brief stretching of the muscles in the eccentric (yielding) phase. The elasticity of the muscles and tendons causes an independent increase in force. In the seamless transition (<200ms) to the concentric phase, an additional force impulse is generated. All articles in this series: Reactive Power Reactive strength training … Summary | Reactive Power