How to Get Fit Through the Summer

Being active in sports is one of the most popular leisure activities in summer. And a natural way to prevent civilization diseases caused by lack of exercise. However, it is only really healthy in the warm season if the diet is also right. Because only those who regularly replenish their performance stores, protect their bodies … How to Get Fit Through the Summer

Fit Thanks to Beach Volleyball

If you want to combine fitness and the beach, the sport of beach volleyball is the ideal choice. This classic beach sport originated in California and has been an Olympic discipline since 1996. No other sport combines technique, athleticism, fitness and fun as well as beach volleyball. Establishing beach volleyball in Germany At the same … Fit Thanks to Beach Volleyball

What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? | What should I wear to my baby when he sleeps?

What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? If the baby starts to have a fever, there are two main fever phases. The first is the rising fever. This is the period in which the fever reappears and increases from day to day. During this time the baby should not be … What should I wear to my baby if I have a fever? | What should I wear to my baby when he sleeps?

Fit for the Summer

Here’s how you could get started: Put in a little jog in the park before the workday starts, reach for veggie casserole instead of chicken and fries at the cafeteria, and do a few yoga exercises on the living room rug before you step out for dinner. It sounds convincing, but how do you move … Fit for the Summer