Treatment of stretch marks | Stretch marks on the bottom

Treatment of stretch marks

In the meantime, there are various medical therapy approaches or even home remedies that promise relief. However, a complete removal is only possible through skin transplantation. However, this is only used in very few cases, as the scar left behind by the operation is unavoidable.

In addition to the surgical method, there are many other medical methods that can alleviate the appearance: Laser therapy Chemical peelings: These are used to stimulate the epidermis to form new skin cells. Mesotherapy: Here, drugs are injected directly into the strips, they are supposed to help the subcutis to heal. Carboxytherapy: By injecting carbon dioxide an apparent oxygen deficiency is created.

It thus stimulates increased blood circulation in the tissue to ensure local oxygen saturation. In this way it promotes the body’s own healing of the subcutaneous tears. Local dynamic micromassage with high-frequency ultrasound: This method is intended to ensure better water distribution in the connective tissue and stimulate the formation of new collagen fibres.

Reflective Skintonic Depresso Therapy: A special massage technique designed to stimulate the blood circulation in the connective tissue. In addition to the medical methods, there are also some home remedies that are designed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Preventive measures are always primarily aimed at increasing blood circulation in the connective tissue or are intended to stimulate the formation of collagen.

Prophylactic measures include alternating showers, sports, protein-rich nutrition, pressure and plucking massages, drinking a lot and using special lotions. Vitamin E oils are also said to promise relief. Retinoids / tretinoin / vitamin A acid preparations also help in the acute phase, but these are prohibited during pregnancy because of their teratogenic effect.

  • Laser therapy
  • Chemical peelings: They serve to stimulate the epidermis to form new skin cells. – Mesotherapy: Here, drugs are injected directly into the stripes to help the subcutis heal. – Carboxytherapy: By injecting carbon dioxide an apparent oxygen deficiency is created.

It thus stimulates increased blood circulation in the tissue to ensure local oxygen saturation. In this way it promotes the body’s own healing of the subcutaneous tears. – Local dynamic micromassage with high-frequency ultrasound: This method is intended to ensure better water distribution in the connective tissue and stimulate the formation of new collagen fibres.

  • Reflective Skintonic Depresso Therapy: A special massage technique designed to stimulate the blood circulation in the connective tissue. In the cosmetic industry, many different methods of laser treatment have become established. The main distinction is the choice of a “fractional therapy” or an “ablative therapy”.

Both methods involve the ablation of the uppermost skin layer using a laser. The newer method, the fractional therapy, removes only small areas of skin and leaves the surrounding skin intact. In several sessions, the skin is gradually removed in a “pixel-like” manner and new young skin is formed.

With the “ablative therapy”, on the other hand, the complete area to be treated is removed immediately. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The fractional therapy is significantly gentler on the skin, but usually shows a less effective result and requires several sessions.

The disadvantage of ablative therapy is the aggressive approach and the long lasting healing process. There are many household remedies that are suggested, their effectiveness is not medically proven, but there are some positive experience reports. When rubbing with slices of lemon or orange, care must be taken to ensure that the skin is not damaged.

Small superficial wounds can cause a burning sensation. Cucumber slices are also said to release moisture to the skin and thus promise relief. This is particularly suitable for very sensitive skin.

Peelings to stimulate the blood circulation. Peelings from the drugstore or a simple mixture of oil and sugar can be used. Aloe Vera creams to ensure moisture and prevent further tearing of the skin.

Vitamin E oils or even coconut oil should help to moderate the appearance of the stripes. Exercise The biggest challenge when using home remedies is the patience required. No matter which method is chosen to see an effect, regular, frequent use is required.

  • When rubbing with slices of lemon or orange, care must be taken to ensure that the skin is not damaged. Small superficial wounds can cause a burning sensation. – Peelings to stimulate the blood circulation.

Peelings from the drugstore or a simple mixture of oil and sugar can be used. – Aloe Vera creams to ensure moisture and prevent further tearing of the skin. – Vitamin E oils or even coconut oil should help to moderate the appearance of the stripes. – Movement