Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture

A conservative therapy is particularly suitable for smaller ruptures where pain is the primary concern. Physiotherapeutic exercises cannot restore the original anatomical state, but they can prevent joint stiffness through passive mobilization, painless movement exercises, strengthening and stretching of the muscles. The aim is to reduce pain and regain full mobility. In the beginning, the … Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture

Drugs against inflammation/NSAR | Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture

Drugs against inflammation/NSAR In rotator cuff rupture, traumatically caused tears, the injury itself and irritation of the tissue often lead to painful inflammation of the entire joint. This can be treated with medication. The drug group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is a frequently used class. It includes ibuprofen or diclofenac and many more. Unlike … Drugs against inflammation/NSAR | Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture

Exercises after a rotator cuff rupture – OP | Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture

Exercises after a rotator cuff rupture – OP A compromise must be found in the physiotherapeutic follow-up treatment: on the one hand, the suture must be sufficiently immobilized, on the other hand, no muscle atrophy (muscle atrophy) should occur or a stiff shoulder should develop. The most common strategy is to spare the arm for … Exercises after a rotator cuff rupture – OP | Physiotherapy for rotator cuff rupture