Exercises | Physiotherapy for ankle joint arthrosis

Exercises Physiotherapeutic exercises for ankle joint arthrosis should only be carried out in inflammation-free stages. They primarily serve to improve the mobility of the joint. Large, extensive movements continue to improve the blood circulation in the joint, and metabolic waste products can be better removed. Cartilage is nourished by the alternation of pressure and tension. … Exercises | Physiotherapy for ankle joint arthrosis

Shoulder TEP exercises

The recommended mobilization and strengthening exercises with a shoulder TEP depend on how much time has passed since the operation. In the first 5-6 weeks, turning the shoulder inwards or outwards is not allowed. Lateral abduction and lifting the shoulder forward are limited to 90°. During this time, the focus is therefore on reducing the … Shoulder TEP exercises

Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging Runners often have knee pain after jogging. Especially at the beginning of training or after a longer abstinence from sports this is often noticed and not worrying. In this case, untrained muscle and connective tissue leads to a short-term acute overload. However, if the pain persists … Pain in the hollow of the knee when jogging | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Further therapeutic measures | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies

Further therapeutic measures Very good for pain in the hollow of the knee are exercises that are performed in the exercise pool, because the buoyancy of the water relieves the knee joint. At the same time, the water’s resistance strengthens the muscles due to the greater amount of muscle work required. You can find exercises … Further therapeutic measures | Pain in the hollow of the knee exercises and therapies