Swollen Lymph Nodes: What to Do?

Swollen lymph nodes are a common symptom – the swelling can be triggered by a cold, flu or tonsillitis, among other things. A serious disease, however, is only in rare cases behind the complaints. Lymph nodes are distributed over the entire body – they are particularly common in the neck, throat and ears, as well … Swollen Lymph Nodes: What to Do?

Pain under the tongue

Definition Pain under the tongue is the term used to describe all subjective sensations of pain in the lower part of the oral cavity. The extent and quality of pain in this area can vary. Depending on the cause, burning pain, pressure pain or tension pain may dominate. Pain under the tongue is based on … Pain under the tongue

Diagnosis | Pain under the tongue

Diagnosis The doctor first asks the patient about the exact symptoms, the quality and localization of the pain and any accompanying symptoms. He then takes a look at the oral cavity. He palpates the 3 large salivary glands and tests their functionality by stroking them. He also palpates the lymph nodes in the neck and … Diagnosis | Pain under the tongue

Therapy | Pain under the tongue

Therapy The treatment of pain under the tongue depends on the cause. Teas, tinctures or gels with medicinal plant extracts are considered by some people to be beneficial for pain under the tongue. Examples of teas, tinctures or gels with medicinal plant extracts are lime blossom, camomile, mallow leaves, aloe vera or marshmallow roots.A sufficient … Therapy | Pain under the tongue

Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Diagnosis For a correct diagnosis, a good anamnesis and physical examination are crucial. If the lymph nodes are palpated, a distinction is made between enlarged, soft, easily displaceable, pressure painful nodes, which indicates an infectious cause. A further distinction is made between enlarged, coarse, non-painful nodules that are fused with the surrounding tissue, which may … Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Duration and prognosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Duration and prognosis The cause is also decisive in terms of duration and prognosis. Local inflammations or simple infections usually heal without consequences after a few weeks with the appropriate therapy. More serious infections such as glandular fever can take a long time to progress and cause recurrent attacks in the affected person. In HIV … Duration and prognosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling | Testicle is enlarged and swollen

Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling Pain is a common symptom of testicular swelling. It is associated with almost all causes. Inflammation is also accompanied by a reddening of the testicles. This can also occur with other causes. Epididymitis is sometimes accompanied by a urinary tract infection. Among other things, this leads to pain when urinating. … Accompanying symptoms of testicular swelling | Testicle is enlarged and swollen