Dosage forms | Tacrolimus

Dosage forms Tacrolimus can be used topically in form of an ointment or cream. It is often used for neurodermatitis (atopic eczema), an allergic hypersensitivity reaction (type I), in which the skin is reddened over a large area with severe itching in typical areas (especially in the area of the large bends). By applying an … Dosage forms | Tacrolimus

Mode of action of Tacrolimus | Tacrolimus

Mode of action of Tacrolimus Tacrolimus intervenes in the activation of the immune system after recognition of foreign structures (e.g.B. Fragments of bacteria/viruses, transplants, etc.) These structures are presented to T cells of the immune system by antigen presenting cells. Subsequently, the synthesis of important messenger substances (interleukins, among others) takes place within the T … Mode of action of Tacrolimus | Tacrolimus