
Symptoms Fatigue is a physiological and subjective response of the organism to mental and physical exertion. It is undesirable when it occurs rapidly, frequently, and excessively. Fatigue manifests itself, among other things, in a lack of energy, exhaustion, weakness, listlessness, and reduced performance and motivation. It can also be accompanied by irritability. Fatigue occurs acutely … Fatigue


Products Anxiolytics are commercially available in the form of tablets, capsules, and injectable preparations, among others. Structure and properties Anxiolytics are a structurally heterogeneous group. However, the representatives can be divided into different classes. These include, for example, the benzodiazepines or the tricyclic antidepressants. Effects Anxiolytics have antianxiety (anxiolytic) properties. They usually have additional effects, … Anxiolytics

Ginseng Health Benefits

Products Preparations containing ginseng are commercially available in the form of capsules, juice, and lozenges, among others. Ginseng is included in registered drugs and in dietary supplements. In East Asia and Southeast Asia, ginseng has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Stem plant C.A. Meyer, of the Araliaceae family, is native to Manchuria in … Ginseng Health Benefits


Symptoms Acute stress manifests itself in the following physiological reactions of the organism, among others: Increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased blood flow and energy supply to skeletal muscles. Fast breathing Decreased activity of the intestine and urogenital tract. Reduced sex drive General activation, tension Pupil dilation Complications Unlike acute and positively experienced … Stress

Taiga Root

Products Cut taiga root is available in pharmacies and drugstores as an open commodity, and alternative medicine preparations such as mother tinctures are traded. In November 2009, a drug was approved by Swissmedic for the first time in many countries (Vigor Eleutherococcus, capsules). It contains the ethanolic dry root extract Eleutherococci radicis extractum ethanolicum siccum. … Taiga Root

Cholinergic Urticaria

Symptoms Cholinergic urticaria is a type of urticaria that occurs primarily on the upper body, chest, neck, face, back, and arms. It manifests itself in an initially scattered and then coalescing redness of the skin, itching, burning and a sensation of warmth. At the same time, small wheals form, which are smaller than in other … Cholinergic Urticaria

Genital Herpes Causes and Treatment

Symptoms A distinction is made between initial infection and subsequent reactivation. After an incubation period of a few days, flu-like symptoms such as fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, headache, nausea, and muscle pain may occur. The actual genital herpes occurs, with reddened skin or mucous membrane, swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes, and single … Genital Herpes Causes and Treatment