Comfrey: Medicinal Uses

Products Preparations from comfrey are commercially available in the form of gels (pain gels) and ointments. Stem plant Common comfrey or comfrey, L. (Boraginaceae), is native to Europe. is derived from, “I grow together.” The names comfrey and comfrey are derived from the German verb “wallen,” which means to grow together. Bein originally refers to … Comfrey: Medicinal Uses

Gaming Addiction

Symptoms The possible negative consequences and characteristics of a gaming addiction include: Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, aggression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts Sleep deprivation, sleep disturbances Tendonitis (tendon disorders), muscle and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sensory disturbances. Epilepsy, seizures Eye complaints Mental and psychiatric disorders Malnutrition, weight loss Obsessive preoccupation with … Gaming Addiction

Inserting the spiral

Introduction The spiral is a T-shaped structure that can be used for contraception. It is available in two versions, either as a copper or hormone coil. In contrast to other contraceptive methods, the coil must be placed in the uterus by the gynaecologist. However, inserting the IUD is generally an uncomplicated procedure. Especially women with … Inserting the spiral

How does the IUS work after insertion? | Inserting the spiral

How does the IUS work after insertion? The hormone spiral looks very similar to the copper spiral. However, unlike the copper spiral, the hormone coil contains a supply of hormones in its plastic frame. After insertion, these are released by the coil directly to the lining of the uterus. The hormone release ensures that the … How does the IUS work after insertion? | Inserting the spiral

How long does the insertion take? | Inserting the spiral

How long does the insertion take? The insertion of the coil, regardless of whether it is a copper or hormone coil, usually takes only a few minutes. Usually a short explanation and consultation with the doctor is held beforehand. The time required is generally short, however, and averages about 15-30 minutes. For whom is the … How long does the insertion take? | Inserting the spiral

TreatmentTherapy | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

TreatmentTherapy Depending on the cause, the therapy varies. In almost all cases, immobilization is necessary. If an ischial fracture is to blame for the pain, a suitable pain therapy using so-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) should be used in addition to immobilization. If an unstable fracture occurs, surgical treatment may be necessary. Physiotherapy should also … TreatmentTherapy | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

Pain after jogging at the ischial tuberosity | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

Pain after jogging at the ischial tuberosity After jogging – especially when the muscles and tendons are overexerted – pain occurs when the ischial tuberosities are involved, especially in the lower buttocks and back of the thighs. The pain is then also usually felt at rest and when sitting down. This is usually caused by … Pain after jogging at the ischial tuberosity | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

Associated symptoms | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

Associated symptoms A fracture is usually accompanied by severe pain radiating into the buttocks, resulting in a relieving posture with flexion of the hip to relieve the affected side. Pain is also usually more intense when sitting or when getting up from a sitting position.If surrounding nerves are injured, such as the pudendal nerve, it … Associated symptoms | Pain at the ischial tuberosity

Therapy of a tendovaginitis

Since the causes for the development of tendovaginitis can be infectious as well as non-infectious, a comprehensive diagnosis must precede the choice of the appropriate therapy. Furthermore, the appropriate therapy for tendovaginitis depends on the extent as well as on the frequency with which the symptoms occur. In most cases a drug therapy is completely … Therapy of a tendovaginitis

Tendon Disorders

Symptoms Disease of the tendons or tendon sheaths often manifests as dull or stabbing pain, usually on one side and with movement, strain, or pressure. Other complaints include weakness, limited range of motion, and an audible crunching sound. The wrists and forearms are often affected. At a later stage, the pain may also be present … Tendon Disorders