How can I distinguish an inflammation of the tendon of the metatarsus from a fatigue fracture? | Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus

How can I distinguish an inflammation of the tendon of the metatarsus from a fatigue fracture? Fatigue fractures are so-called stress fractures, which occur particularly in people who practice high-intensity sports and/or have a congenital malposition and thus incorrect loading of individual skeletal elements. The bones are worn out, so to speak, by intensive stress … How can I distinguish an inflammation of the tendon of the metatarsus from a fatigue fracture? | Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus

Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus

Definition Inflammation of the metatarsal tendon is an acute or chronic inflammatory change in the tendons belonging to the foot muscles. For various reasons, these inflammations can impair the movement of the toes of the affected foot. In addition to conservative treatment methods, surgical treatment measures are also available in exceptional cases of emergency. Causes … Inflammation of tendons in the metatarsus

Tendinitis at the ankle

Introduction A tendon (tendo) consists of connective tissue and represents the connection between muscles and bones. Tendons therefore transfer muscle power to the skeleton so that the body can perform movements. At the inner and outer ankles is the upper ankle joint, which allows the foot to move up (dorsal extension) and down (plantar flexion). … Tendinitis at the ankle

Anatomical orientation for tendon disorders | Tendinitis at the ankle

Anatomical orientation for tendon disorders If there is pain in the rear outer ankle, it is usually an inflammation of the peroneal tendon. This affects the tendons of the so-called peroneal muscles, which are located on the outside of the fibula and ensure that the foot remains in the correct position while walking.If an inflammation … Anatomical orientation for tendon disorders | Tendinitis at the ankle

Tendinitis with rheumatism

Definition The Latin term for tendonitis is tendinitis. This describes the inflammatory process at the tendon apparatus in the course of a rheumatic disease. Tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) must be distinguished from tendinopathy (tendon disorders). Tendinopathy is a chronic overloading and incorrect loading of a tendon. Basically, it should be noted that tendinitis can … Tendinitis with rheumatism

Treatment of tendonitis with rheumatism | Tendinitis with rheumatism

Treatment of tendonitis with rheumatism The treatment of rheumatic illnesses and also the rheumatic tendon inflammation should take place absolutely by a trained rheumatologist, since the therapy must be adjusted differently depending upon patient and is to be counted quite on side effects. In addition to various pain medication, immunosuppressants, cortisone and biologicals are part … Treatment of tendonitis with rheumatism | Tendinitis with rheumatism

Pain in the fingertip

Definition Pain in the fingertip is defined as painful sensations in the area above the finger joint furthest away from the body. These can also occur in the nail area. The quality of the pain can be very variable, depending on its cause. For example, stinging, tingling, pressing, knocking or drilling pain can occur. In … Pain in the fingertip