
Products Dihydrotachysterol is commercially available as an oily solution (A.T. 10). It has been approved in many countries since 1952. Structure and properties Dihydrotachysterol (C28H46O, Mr = 398.7 g/mol) is a lipophilic analog of vitamin D. Effects Dihydrotachysterol (ATC A11CC02) has multiple properties in calcium metabolism. The compound is already active and does not need … Dihydrotachysterol

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders

Depending on the thyroid disease present, treatment may require the use of medications, surgery, or radioiodine treatment. These forms of treatment can sometimes be used alone or in combination. There are no safely effective alternatives in homeopathy or herbal medicine for the treatment of thyroid disease. Iodide tablets The trace element iodine is a vital … Treatment of Thyroid Disorders


Products Propylthiouracil is commercially available in tablet form (Propycil 50). It has been used medicinally since the 1940s. Structure and properties Propylthiouracil (C7H10N2OS, Mr = 170.2 g/mol) is a thiourea and an alkylated thiouracil derivative. It exists as a white crystalline powder or as crystals and is sparingly soluble in water. The substance has a … Propylthiouracil

Pain in the thyroid gland

Introduction Pain in the thyroid gland is caused by irritation of the sensitive nerves, the superior laryngeal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve, both of which originate from the large and important vagus nerve. A sensitive pain nerve is triggered by various stimuli. This process is called nociception in the technical language. The corresponding receptors … Pain in the thyroid gland

Associated symptoms | Pain in the thyroid gland

Associated symptoms The thyroid gland produces vital hormones that increase metabolism. At its target organs they cause an increased oxygen and energy consumption and increase thermogenesis (heat production). In the case of congenital hypofunction, newborns do not notice the thyroid gland until after birth, as they were previously supplied by maternal hormones. Overall, they appear … Associated symptoms | Pain in the thyroid gland

Iodine Health Benefits

Products Pure iodine is available in specialty stores. Potassium iodide is available as a drug in tablet form and as a dietary supplement, among other products. The name iodine is obsolete and should no longer be used. Iodine stands for the chemical element and iodide for the negatively charged anion that forms salts with cations. … Iodine Health Benefits

T3 vs T4 – What is the difference? | Thyroid hormone T4 – Thyroxine

T3 vs T4 – What is the difference? Both T4 and T3 are iodine-containing hormones produced by the thyroid gland. They differ chemically only in that T3 (triiodothyronine) contains three iodine particles and T4 (tetraiodothyronine) contains four. While T4 is more stable and decomposes less quickly, T3 is up to a hundred times more effective … T3 vs T4 – What is the difference? | Thyroid hormone T4 – Thyroxine

Why is my T4 value too low? | Thyroid hormone T4 – Thyroxine

Why is my T4 value too low? A T4 value that is too low indicates a thyroid hormone deficiency, which is usually caused by an underactive thyroid. The hypofunction can have various causes. Quite common in the population (especially in women) is the thyroid disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this disease, the body produces special proteins … Why is my T4 value too low? | Thyroid hormone T4 – Thyroxine

Thyroid gland values during pregnancy

Definition During pregnancy the need for thyroid hormones increases. Pregnancy hormones stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more. Particularly in the first three months of pregnancy, there is therefore a natural increase in thyroid hormones in the blood. At the same time, the level of the regulatory hormone TSH decreases. Due to the adjustment processes, … Thyroid gland values during pregnancy