Homeopathy against plaque | Plaque

Homeopathy against plaque Plaque can only be removed mechanically. Therefore, homeopathy alone is not sufficient to combat the bacterial plaque. In addition to healthy oral hygiene, antibiotic medicinal herbs and plants can help, which at least slow down the growth of bacteria. Such herbs are for example sage, chamomile, thyme. Umckaloabo, for example, reduces the … Homeopathy against plaque | Plaque

To make plaque visible

Introduction In order to make plaque visible on the teeth, various food dyes are used in the form of staining tablets or gels. These are used to mark areas on the tooth surface that have not yet been cleaned sufficiently. Such so-called plaque indicators are mainly used in pediatric dentistry to increase the motivation for … To make plaque visible

Wearing time of the bite splint | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Wearing time of the bite splint There are different recommendations for the wearing time of a plastic splint. As protection against excessive teeth grinding, such a splint can be used on a daily basis. On the other hand, the unfamiliar feeling and the additional foreign body in the mouth can increase the grinding of the … Wearing time of the bite splint | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Homeopathy | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Homeopathy Homeopathy is a variety of naturopathic procedures used to treat teeth grinding. Not only do they alleviate the symptoms, but they can also treat the causes of the disease. Homoeopathy is particularly successful in cases of severe psychological and physical stress, such as professional or private stress, restlessness or sleep disorders. The naturopathic medicines … Homeopathy | Therapy approaches for teeth grinding

Teeth grinding in sleep

Introduction Teeth grinding during sleep takes place without conscious influence from the subconscious. Teeth grinding during sleep usually goes unnoticed at first by the person(s) concerned and is often only discovered by the life partners through sounds that occur. Untreated, complaints such as muscle pain, toothache or loss of enamel and thus sensitive teeth usually … Teeth grinding in sleep