Bad breath caused by plaque | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Bad breath caused by plaque Bad breath is also called “halitosis” and is caused by several factors. In almost 90% of the cases it is formed in the oral cavity. One of the reasons is plaque. Plaque causes decay processes in the mouth, in which bacteria decompose food leftovers and release gases, especially sulfur compounds. … Bad breath caused by plaque | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Making plaque visible | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Making plaque visible Although plaque is easily felt when the tongue is brushed over individual teeth (plaque covered teeth feel increasingly rough, dull and uneven), it is not always visible to the naked eye. To make plaque visible, various preparations (in tablet form or as solutions) can be used. The ingredients of these preparations react … Making plaque visible | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? If plaque often develops despite regular tooth brushing, this can be due to several factors. On the one hand, it may be due to the fact that dental care at home is not carried out properly and plaque may still remain after brushing. However, staining … What to do if you get plaque despite regular brushing? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What is the oral flora? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

What is the oral flora? The oral cavity contains countless microorganisms that feel extremely comfortable in the moist and warm oral cavity environment. Besides various types of bacteria, these include fungi, yeasts, amoebae and flagellates. Oxygen-loving bacteria (aerobes), bacteria that can survive without oxygen (anaerobes) and those that can survive either with or without oxygen … What is the oral flora? | Dental plaque, bad breath and tooth discoloration

Tooth jewelry

Tooth jewelry is any kind of decoration such as tartar, glued diamonds or so-called Dazzler. They are a fad and can already be seen on some celebrities. The selection of motifs for tooth jewelry is very large. There are foils of gold, they are called Dazzler or gold plates with incorporated gems called Twinkles. There … Tooth jewelry

The consequences of teeth grinding

Introduction Teeth grinding is excessive tooth contact between the upper and lower teeth. Statically it is called pressing, dynamically it is called grinding (bruxism). Normally, upper and lower teeth are in contact only during swallowing and chewing. At rest there is an average distance of 2 mm between the teeth (resting position). In case of … The consequences of teeth grinding

How to remove plaque

Introduction If oral hygiene is inadequate, food remains stick to the tooth. Bacteria decompose them and excrete substances harmful to the tooth. In order to care for the teeth optimally and keep them healthy for a long time, plaque must be removed regularly. Only in this way can carious defects and inflammatory processes of the … How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning In case of very persistent plaque, tartar and other discolorations of the tooth substance, a so-called “professional tooth cleaning” by a dentist should be considered. Professional tooth cleaning is an effective measure to remove plaque, in which the surfaces and spaces between the teeth are cleaned mechanically. Countless studies have shown that … Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque When using household remedies, it is essential to ensure that their use does not damage the enamel – whether through acid or roughening substances that damage the enamel and thus promote the accumulation of bacteria. A roughened surface also provides an increased surface area with even more hiding places for … Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque