Toothpaste and pimple blackheads | Toothpaste

Toothpaste and pimple blackheads Blackheads are closed sebaceous glands that cannot be affected by the use of toothpaste.Pimples are usually inflammations of these sebaceous glands (blackheads). The recommendation that toothpaste has a positive effect on pimples and blackheads is therefore nonsense. Toothpaste against herpes? Toothpastes contain some substances that are rather irritating to the wound. … Toothpaste and pimple blackheads | Toothpaste

Summary | Toothpaste

Summary Toothpastes are used together with toothbrushes to clean the teeth. They contain more or less abrasive cleaning agents. In addition, they contain important substances to prevent caries and keep the gums healthy. Many different substances can be combined in their composition. The most important ingredients are fluorides. All articles in this series: Toothpaste Composition … Summary | Toothpaste


In addition to the toothbrush, toothpaste or toothpaste, or dentifrice, is an important part of oral hygiene. Contrary to the common opinion that toothpaste consists only of whiting, water and flavoring, the composition of a toothpaste is much more extensive and places high demands on the developers with regard to its formulation. Especially for the … Toothpaste

Composition | Toothpaste

Composition Toothpastes contain a variety of different ingredients. Essentially they are cleaning agents, binders, humectants, foaming agents, sweeteners, colorants, flavors, water preservatives, and special active ingredients. Some pastes contain additional ingredients. Cleaning agents are insoluble inorganic substances that are contained in toothpastes in different concentrations and grain sizes. The percentage in a toothpaste is up … Composition | Toothpaste

Tooth powder | Toothpaste

Tooth powder Besides toothpaste in the smooth paste form, there is also tooth powder in granular form. The composition of these granules differs significantly from the pastes. The application on the toothbrush is not very easy, because some of the granules go wrong. Toothpastes for children For children the toothpastes for adults are too sharp. … Tooth powder | Toothpaste

Dental neck caries

Synonyms tooth decay, tooth decay, caries Introduction From a medical point of view, caries is a carbohydrate-modified infectious disease, which is mainly caused by bacterial pathogens. In principle, caries can occur in any part of the tooth. Experience shows that carious defects develop on molars, but mainly in the area of the chewing surfaces. On … Dental neck caries

Causes | Dental neck caries

Causes Exposed tooth necks are becoming more and more common, so that more and more tooth necks without the protective gums lie in the oral cavity and are an easy target for bacteria. The most common cause that causes gum recession is brushing. This seems to be surprising at first, because we actually do something … Causes | Dental neck caries

Cervical caries under the gums | Dental neck caries

Cervical caries under the gums Cervical caries can be treated easily and quickly in most cases. Especially those carious defects that are discovered in the early stages can usually be removed without leaving any residue. Consequential damage is usually not left behind. The treatment of cervical caries under the gums (gingiva) is much more difficult. … Cervical caries under the gums | Dental neck caries

Costs | Dental neck caries

Costs The costs vary depending on the filling material and size of the filling. For fillings in the anterior region, health insurance companies even pay for a composite filling. From the 4th tooth onwards, i.e. the 1st small molar tooth, a co-payment must be made for a composite filling.Cervical fillings can also vary in their … Costs | Dental neck caries