
Scalding Scaldings occur relatively frequently in domestic surroundings. They usually occur during kitchen work and here above all when hot or even boiling water is poured out (e.g. spilled pasta water etc.). A distinction is made between scalding by hot water and by steam. The latter can cause severe injuries to the skin, as steam … Scalding

Ointments against scalding | Scalding

Ointments against scalding In addition to cooling, cooling or pain-relieving ointments are often used for scalds. However, their use is not entirely uncontroversial. In most cases, fresh scalding should be treated dry. Simple wound dressings should be loosely applied for this purpose. Applying ointment to scalded skin is counterproductive here and should be avoided at … Ointments against scalding | Scalding


Introduction The nails (Ungues) at fingers and toes are mechanical protection devices and fulfill important tasks of the tactile function by forming an abutment to the finger and/or toe ball. A single nail consists of nail plate, nail wall and nail bed. The nail plate is a horny plate with a thickness of approximately 0.5 … Toenails