Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Tapes – Overstretched The ligaments of the spine serve to provide stability and to slow down excessive movements. If they are overstretched, they lose their protective function towards the spinal cord. The spinal column can then become unstable. It is possible that the vertebral bodies shift against each other. In the worst case, the instability … Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Physical dependence The development of a physical (physical) dependency is rather rare, even with frequent smoking. Usually the psychological symptoms such as anxiety or a depressive mood after stopping the drug dominate. A physical dependence becomes apparent to the same extent as it occurs through smoking, only in the case of withdrawal. In addition to … Physical dependence | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

What happens during withdrawal? Withdrawal from smoking occurs when the body has already become accustomed to the substance, i.e. when a dependency has developed. This happens mainly through regular consumption and can be intensified by excessive dosage. The body and psyche react during withdrawal to the absence of the compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in cannabis, … What happens during withdrawal? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Does regular smoking make stupid? Smoking has a negative effect on cognitive performance, i.e. on thinking, attention, memory and perception. These limitations are already noticeable a short time after consumption. They are part of the state of intoxication. If a lot of cannabis is consumed over a longer period of time, the deficits can persist … Does regular smoking make stupid? | What are the consequences of smoking pot?

Vertebral fracture at the vertebral arch | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Vertebral fracture at the vertebral arch The vertebral arch surrounds the spinal cord – and is thus located at a critical point: if it breaks, it can penetrate the spinal cord and cause paraplegia. In this respect, the indication for surgery is quite generous. In most cases, the vertebral arch is surgically screwed or plated. … Vertebral fracture at the vertebral arch | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture The duration of surgery for a vertebral fracture varies from procedure to procedure. It depends on the type of procedure and the extent of damage. Vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty, which are minimally invasive procedures, take between 30 and 60 minutes. These procedures are used for stable fractures that show pain … Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture The treatment of a vertebral fracture can last between 6 and 8 weeks. A conservative therapy includes stabilizing measures such as physiotherapy or the application of a corset. Of course, a good pain therapy is also important. In the case of surgical treatment, follow-up can take up to … Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture


ExplanationDefinition Zoloft® is an antidepressant that belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It is characterized in particular by the fact that it does not attenuate (sedate) and is also used for a variety of disorders. Trade names Gladem®Zoloft®Sertralin-ratiopharm®. Chemical name (1S,4S)-4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-terahydro-N-methyl-1-naphtylamine Active ingredient Sertraline Depression OCD Panic Attack Posttraumatic Stress Disorder … Zoloft