Further measures | Physiotherapy for a LWS syndrome

Further measures As a further passive support in physiotherapy/physical gymnastics to get rid of the pain in a lumbar spine syndrome, various complementary measures and therapies are recommended: Massages Trigger point therapy Fango Sling table Manual traction Medication, tablets, syringes For physiotherapy in the case of a lumbar spine syndrome, massages are often used to … Further measures | Physiotherapy for a LWS syndrome

LWS syndrome – what exactly is behind the term? | Physiotherapy for a LWS syndrome

LWS syndrome – what exactly is behind the term? In general, complaints of the lower spine are referred to as lumbar spine syndrome – or lumbar spine syndrome for short. The lower back, the so-called lumbar spine, is affected by a large part of the back problems and clinical pictures of the spine. In most … LWS syndrome – what exactly is behind the term? | Physiotherapy for a LWS syndrome