
Products Urapidil is commercially available as a solution for injection (Ebrantil). It has been approved in many countries since 1983. Structure and properties Urapidil (C20H29N5O3, Mr = 387.5 g/mol) is a derivative of uracil and piperazine. It is present in drugs as urapidil hydrochloride. Effects Urapidil (ATC C02CA06) has antihypertensive and sympatholytic properties. It lowers … Urapidil


Features Ebrantil® contains the active ingredient Uradipil. This is a drug from the group of so-called antiadrenergic antihypertensive drugs. Urapidil lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure by reducing peripheral resistance in the blood vessels. Uradipil, also in the form of Ebrantil, is available only on prescription and may be used only under medical supervision. Strengths … Ebrantil®

Interactions | Ebrantil®

Interactions If Ebrantil® is taken at the same time as alpha-receptor blockers, other vasodilators or other antihypertensive drugs, or if there is a condition of volume deficiency (e.g. diarrhea or vomiting) or if alcohol is consumed, Ebrantil® may result in increased blood pressure reduction. If cimetidine is taken at the same time as Ebrantil®, the … Interactions | Ebrantil®