ADS Dreamer Test | Test for ADS

ADS Dreamer Test

Tests for non-hyperactive, possibly “dreamy” ADHD do not query hyperactivity or impulsiveness, but typical symptoms such as absence of mind, lack of concentration or forgetfulness. These tests for “dreamers” also aim to identify the resulting problems at school or at work. But just as there cannot be a single unambiguous test for ADHD, it is not yet possible to create a conclusive test for ADHD. The disease is simply too complex and different for everyone to be detected by a single standardised test.

Tests for adults

As in the child, the typical ADHD tests are used in adults and extended if non-hyperactive ADHD is suspected. However, while the range of possible symptoms is already extremely wide in children, the severity of symptoms in adults is even more variable. By definition, the disorder has existed since childhood, so the adult patient had many years to compensate, hide or modify his symptoms.

It is almost impossible to determine this beyond doubt by means of a test. Therefore, when an attention deficit disorder is suspected in adults, a whole battery of tests is used, ranging from questionnaires to physical examinations and psychological tests, which provide a whole range of different results that must then be interpreted by the doctor as ADHD. As with children, this includes a detailed anamnesis, questionnaires, concentration and attention tests, physical examinations, determination of IQ and many more.

The same procedures are used as for typical ADHD, such as the WURS (Wender Utah Rating Scale) or the TAP (test battery for attention testing). In addition, more attention is paid to the psychological problems of ADHD, e.g. by means of special questionnaires or an anamnesis aimed at this, while hyperactivity and impulsiveness can usually be neglected. Unlike with children, the doctor should also ask about compensation strategies that the patient uses to cover up his symptoms and avoid unpleasant situations.

A typical example would be social restraint to avoid interpersonal problems and misunderstandings, as is often the case with ADHD. In adults, the diagnosis of ADHD is therefore a complex process, often involving several doctors. As with children, however, detailed discussion with the patient is just as important as the actual testing. A physician who knows the clinical picture well is better able to identify such a complex disorder than standardized tests, which can then be used to complete and better isolate the disorder or to monitor therapy. The editors also recommend: ADS diagnosis in adults

Procedure of a test

The procedure for ADS testing does not differ from that for ADHS tests. Depending on the test situation, those affected must complete questionnaires, complete tasks on the computer and follow the doctor’s instructions during physical examinations. Depending on the test, the patient is therefore expected to do something different, e.g. tick the correct answer, react quickly to an action on the screen or simply answer questions.

The tests are structured as simply as possible and are explained to the patient in advance in a way that is easy to understand, in order to prevent the results from being distorted by misunderstandings. In children, many tests are designed as a game, since a lack of motivation could also worsen the results. The tasks must not be too difficult in order not to overstrain the test subjects’ powers of concentration or to frustrate them. If the test is for diagnostic purposes, it is part of a detailed examination and follows a doctor’s consultation or similar. To monitor the therapy, the patient is invited to the test at a fixed time after taking the medication.