Paruresis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People suffering from paruresis find it difficult and sometimes impossible to urinate in public restrooms. Nearly 3 percent of all men are affected, but they rarely consult a professional because of the taboo nature of the problem. This is unfortunate in that there are effective methods to combat paruresis. What is paruresis? Paruresis is a … Paruresis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diphallia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diphallia is a rare double malformation of the penis. As a cause, medicine suspects the consumption of fertility-damaging substances in early pregnancy. In the current state of medicine, diphallia together with all accompanying anomalies can usually be corrected surgically. What is diphallia? Diphallia is an extremely rare malformation of the penis. The name comes from … Diphallia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Urethrometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Urethrometry is a procedure that can be used in medicine during urological examinations. It has two main purposes: First, urethrometry measures the pressure inside the urinary bladder; second, it can be used, for example, to help treat narrowing of the urethra. Increased bladder pressure may appear, for example, in connection with an acquired urinary bladder … Urethrometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Kindler Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kindler syndrome is a dermatosis and is one of the hereditary photodermatoses. The light-sensitive skin reacts with blistering. Patients are treated with photoprotective measures and, in acute cases, with pricking of the individual blisters, although the blister canopy should be preserved to protect against infection. What is Kindler syndrome? The disease group of bullous dermatoses … Kindler Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Urethral stricture

Synonyms Urethral narrowing, urethral strictureUrethral stricture is a pathological narrowing of the urethra. A basic distinction is made between a congenital and an acquired narrowing. Due to anatomical conditions, men are affected by urethral stricture far more frequently than women Congenital causes Malformations of the external genitals are often the reason for a congenital urethral … Urethral stricture

Diagnostics | Urethral stricture

Diagnostics The diagnosis of a urethral stricture includes the measurement of the urinary stream.This is also called uroflowmetry. The patient’s urine stream is measured on a special toilet. A curve is automatically generated. The bladder is then displayed using an ultrasound device and the doctor can see whether there is any residual urine in the … Diagnostics | Urethral stricture

A urethral stricture in women | Urethral stricture

A urethral stricture in women Women suffer much less frequently from urethral stricture because the urethra is anatomically much shorter than in men. For this reason alone, real strictures do not occur frequently in women. Nevertheless, both congenital and acquired strictures can occur.In women, the malformation hypospadias manifests itself as a displacement of the urethra … A urethral stricture in women | Urethral stricture