How does the pH-value change with a fungal disease? | PH value of the vagina

How does the pH-value change with a fungal disease? In most cases, a fungal infection of the vagina is caused by pathogens of the Candida albicans variety. These are yeast fungi that also require acidic pH values (approx. 4 – 6.7) for their growth, but these are somewhat more alkaline than the normal pH values … How does the pH-value change with a fungal disease? | PH value of the vagina

How does the pH value in the vagina change during breastfeeding? | PH value of the vagina

How does the pH value in the vagina change during breastfeeding? During the breastfeeding period the estrogen level is usually reduced. Oestrogen has a major influence on the vaginal pH, as the hormone supports the lactic acid production of the lactobacilli by providing glycogen in the vagina. The lower estrogen level during the lactation period … How does the pH value in the vagina change during breastfeeding? | PH value of the vagina

Vagina inflammation

Definition Vaginitis, also called vaginitis or colpitis, is the inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina. If the labia are also affected, it is called vulvovaginitis. This inflammation is often caused by bacteria or fungal infections. Many women suffer from vaginal inflammation during their lifetime and this has nothing to do with a lack of … Vagina inflammation

Associated symptoms | Vagina inflammation

Associated symptoms Vagina inflammation is characterized by typical symptoms that vary depending on the pathogen. The main symptom of vaginal inflammation is usually increased and altered discharge from the vagina. The so-called fluorine vaginalis can be very different: from whitish to bloody, from liquid to dry and crumbly and from odorless to intensely smelling – … Associated symptoms | Vagina inflammation

Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? | Vagina inflammation

Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? Many illnesses are caused by bacteria – and nowadays they are usually easily treatable with antibiotics. Antibiotics are directed specifically against bacteria and destroy them – but there is often “collateral damage”. Our body works in close cooperation with many bacteria, which help us to fight off harmful germs or to break … Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? | Vagina inflammation

During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

During pregnancy Vaginal inflammation can also occur during pregnancy. This is favored by the changing hormonal influence on the natural vaginal flora. Often women suffer from a vaginal fungus, the above-mentioned Candida albicans, which can usually be easily treated with antimycotic ointments. It is important to note that some vaginal inflammation pathogens can also be … During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

Suppositories | Vagisan®

Suppositories Vagisan® is a product line that distributes several preparations for the treatment or prevention of vaginal infections with fungi. Among the suppositories is Vagisan® lactic acid. The suppositories are to acidify the vaginal environment. An acidic environment provides protection against infection in the vagina. If the environment is no longer acidic enough, repeated infections … Suppositories | Vagisan®

Capsules | Vagisan®

Capsules Vagisan® is available both in capsules for oral administration and capsules for local application in the vagina.The oral capsules include the Vagisan Biotin lacto capsules which are supposed to stabilize the vaginal environment. The Vagisan® vaginal capsules contain lactic acid bacteria and are intended to restore the acid vaginal environment. The vaginal capsules are … Capsules | Vagisan®


Introduction Vagisan® describes a group of vaginal therapeutics of the Dr. Wolff Group GmbH. Vagisan® products in the form of creams, shampoos, capsules or vaginal suppositories are mainly used for vaginal dryness and repeated vaginal infections. Depending on the product, their effect is based on different mechanisms. Vagisan® products containing lactic acid and lactic acid … Vagisan®

Effect | Vagisan®

Effect Lactic acid-containing Vagisan® products therefore aim at normalizing the vaginal pH-milieu by the direct addition of lactic acid. Their application is useful when the vaginal flora is still intact. The use of lactic acid bacterial suppositories is however recommended if the Döderlein flora is already permanently damaged. Application Before use it should be noted … Effect | Vagisan®