Associated symptoms | Vagina inflammation

Associated symptoms Vagina inflammation is characterized by typical symptoms that vary depending on the pathogen. The main symptom of vaginal inflammation is usually increased and altered discharge from the vagina. The so-called fluorine vaginalis can be very different: from whitish to bloody, from liquid to dry and crumbly and from odorless to intensely smelling – … Associated symptoms | Vagina inflammation

Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? | Vagina inflammation

Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? Many illnesses are caused by bacteria – and nowadays they are usually easily treatable with antibiotics. Antibiotics are directed specifically against bacteria and destroy them – but there is often “collateral damage”. Our body works in close cooperation with many bacteria, which help us to fight off harmful germs or to break … Through antibiotics/after antibiotics? | Vagina inflammation

During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

During pregnancy Vaginal inflammation can also occur during pregnancy. This is favored by the changing hormonal influence on the natural vaginal flora. Often women suffer from a vaginal fungus, the above-mentioned Candida albicans, which can usually be easily treated with antimycotic ointments. It is important to note that some vaginal inflammation pathogens can also be … During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

Other accompanying symptoms | Burning during or after sexual intercourse

Other accompanying symptoms Pain during sexual intercourse is collected under the term “dyspareunia”. In combination with burning, dyspareunia indicates an inflammatory event. This should be all the more reason to have the underlying cause promptly clarified by an appropriate doctor. Itching in combination with burning sensation during or after sexual intercourse is the most likely … Other accompanying symptoms | Burning during or after sexual intercourse

Eczema in the genital area

Introduction Eczema is a mostly acute or chronic inflammatory reaction of the upper layers of the skin. Eczema can occur anywhere where there is skin. As a rule, parts of the skin that come into contact with chemical or plant exogenous substances are particularly affected. Eczema in the genital area is divided into an acute … Eczema in the genital area