Thermocoagulation of the vertebral joints (facet coagulation) | Therapy of the facet syndrome

Thermocoagulation of the vertebral joints (facet coagulation) This therapy of the facet syndrome is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Under CT or image converter control, an electrode is placed on the vertebral joint and, after ensuring the correct position, is heated to 75-80°C for 90 seconds by a radiofrequency device. In this way, the small … Thermocoagulation of the vertebral joints (facet coagulation) | Therapy of the facet syndrome

Facet syndrome

What is a facet syndrome? The facet syndrome belongs to the degenerative (wear-related) diseases of the spine and describes a complex of different signs of disease (syndrome) in advanced wear of the small vertebral joints (spondylarthrosis). Spondylarthrosis itself can either occur as an independent, leading clinical picture, in which case it is referred to as … Facet syndrome