Skin rash on the hands

Definition Skin rash on the hands is initially understood to be visible skin changes on the hands. By definition, a skin rash is a so-called “exanthema”. Skin changes of the same type are characteristic. For example, redness that looks the same appears side by side. In order to better define the rash, various characteristics can … Skin rash on the hands

Symptoms | Skin rash on the hands

Symptoms The main symptom of the rash is the visible change in the skin on the hands. Depending on the cause, they differ visually. The range of possible manifestations is wide and extends from blisters and swellings to redness, scales, spots etc. Itching, pain or burning may accompany the skin. In the case of infectious … Symptoms | Skin rash on the hands

Therapy | Skin rash on the hands

Therapy First you should try to find out the origin of the rash on your hands. You should first ask yourself the following question: Often the answers can provide initial clues. In any case, it is advisable to strictly avoid potentially triggering factors. These include soaps, cleaning agents, oils, solvents and chemicals. In principle, however, … Therapy | Skin rash on the hands

Chickenpox: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chickenpox or varicella is a common childhood disease. This viral disease is mostly transmitted by droplet infection. The most typical symptoms are the noticeable skin rash. What is chickenpox? Chickenpox is a childhood disease transmitted by droplet infection and is caused by the varicella zoster virus. Chickenpox, also called wet pox or sheep pox, is … Chickenpox: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neck Rash: Causes, Treatment & Help

Rash on the neck can arise from many different causes. The changed skin areas affect the affected person not only visually, rashes also very often cause unpleasant itching or pain. Most often, skin rashes are a harmless phenomenon. What is a rash on the neck? A rash on the neck is an inflammatory reaction of … Neck Rash: Causes, Treatment & Help

Kindler Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kindler syndrome is a dermatosis and is one of the hereditary photodermatoses. The light-sensitive skin reacts with blistering. Patients are treated with photoprotective measures and, in acute cases, with pricking of the individual blisters, although the blister canopy should be preserved to protect against infection. What is Kindler syndrome? The disease group of bullous dermatoses … Kindler Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Troll Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Troll flowers (Trollius europaeus) with their distinctive yellow colored round heads belong to the Ranunculae. Rare as a cultivated escape, they are protected and may not be collected, but may certainly be grown in one’s own garden. Occurrence and cultivation of the troll flower Because of its toxicity, troll flower should generally be treated with … Troll Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Skin rash with blisters

Definition A skin rash, also called exanthema, is a reddening of the skin that occurs for various reasons and can be accompanied by burning, itching or wetting. The formation of blisters filled with water or pus can also occur in certain diseases. In the following article you will find possible causes for the development of … Skin rash with blisters