Vestibulospinal Reflex: Function, Role & Diseases

The vestibulospinal reflex is a brainstem reflex whose circuitry involves the vestibular organ and nuclei vestibulares. Activation of the reflex causes contraction of the extensor muscles while inhibiting the flexor muscles of the extremities. In decerebration rigidity, the reflex becomes prominent. What is the vestibulospinal reflex? A brainstem reflex is known as the vestibulospinal reflex, … Vestibulospinal Reflex: Function, Role & Diseases

Organ of Equilibrium: Structure, Function & Diseases

The organ of balance, or vestibular apparatus, is located in pairs in the right and left inner ear. The three arcades, each perpendicular to the other, report rotational accelerations, and the otolith organs (sacculus and utriculus) respond to translational accelerations. Because of the physical mode of action, brief disorientations may occur after an acceleration or … Organ of Equilibrium: Structure, Function & Diseases

Mechanoreceptors: Structure, Function & Diseases

Mechanoreceptors are sensory cells that enable sensation by converting mechanical stimuli such as pressure, stretch, touch, and vibration into endogenous stimuli and transmitting them to the brain via neural pathways. The medical profession distinguishes mechanoreceptors roughly according to their origin, whereby they also differ in their construction and functioning depending on the sensory organ associated … Mechanoreceptors: Structure, Function & Diseases

Torsional Vertigo: Causes, Treatment & Help

Rotational vertigo is a type of dizziness understood by medical professionals. It is often felt by sufferers like a ride on a merry-go-round, where a certain direction of the rotational movement can be indicated. Spinning dizziness usually occurs spontaneously and can have various causes. What is spinning vertigo? Spinning dizziness can last from a few … Torsional Vertigo: Causes, Treatment & Help

The sense of balance

Synonym Vestibular perception General information The sense of balance is used for orientation and to determine posture in space. Various sensory organs are necessary for orientation in space. These include the organ of equilibrium (vestibular organ), the eyes and their reflexes, and the interconnection of all stimuli in the cerebellum. Furthermore, the sense of balance … The sense of balance

Examination of the organ of equilibrium | The sense of balance

Examination of the organ of equilibrium There are various tests to control the organ of equilibrium. For experimental testing of the vestibular organ, the ear is rinsed with warm and cold water in each case. The patient lies on his back with his head slightly raised. The eyes should be closed to avoid orientation in … Examination of the organ of equilibrium | The sense of balance

Why does a disturbance of the sense of balance lead to dizziness? | The sense of balance

Why does a disturbance of the sense of balance lead to dizziness? Dizziness is caused by contradictory information that is passed on to the brain from the various sensory organs. The sensory organs include the eyes, the two organs of equilibrium in the inner ear and the position sensors (proprioceptors) in the joints and muscles. … Why does a disturbance of the sense of balance lead to dizziness? | The sense of balance

Therapy – What helps with dizziness after eating? | Dizziness after a meal

Therapy – What helps with dizziness after eating? Dizziness after eating is treated depending on the cause. If the patients suffer from diabetes, the patient receives insulin as medication. Depending on the type of diabetes, the insulin is either injected under the skin (type 1) or can be taken in tablet form (type 2). In … Therapy – What helps with dizziness after eating? | Dizziness after a meal

How is dizziness diagnosed after eating? | Dizziness after a meal

How is dizziness diagnosed after eating? Dizziness after eating is a symptom that can be quite limiting and worrying for the person concerned – especially if the dizziness occurs regularly after eating and is so severe that everyday life is affected. In order to investigate the causes of this in individual cases, various diagnostic measures … How is dizziness diagnosed after eating? | Dizziness after a meal

Dizziness after a meal

Definition Dizziness (Vertigo) refers to an often unpleasant, distorted perception of space caused by disturbances in visual perception and the balance system. Accompanying symptoms of vertigo are nausea and vomiting, or nausea stimulus. After eating, dizziness and tiredness often occur in combination. Introduction Dizziness occurs in the most diverse forms and qualities. There is rotational … Dizziness after a meal


Synonyms Vestibular apparatus, vestibularis organ, vestibular organ, vestibular balance ability, movement coordination, dizziness, vestibular organ failure Definition Balance in the sense of the ability to balance is defined as the ability to keep the body and/or parts of the body in balance, or to bring them back into balance during movements. The organ of equilibrium … Balance