Torsional Vertigo: Causes, Treatment & Help

Rotational vertigo is a type of dizziness understood by medical professionals. It is often felt by sufferers like a ride on a merry-go-round, where a certain direction of the rotational movement can be indicated. Spinning dizziness usually occurs spontaneously and can have various causes.

What is spinning vertigo?

Spinning dizziness can last from a few seconds to several hours. In contrast, a prolonged episode of vertigo, such as over several days, is very rare. The term rotary vertigo refers to a form of vertigo. A distinction is made between horizontal spinning vertigo (in which the affected person has the feeling as if they were riding on a merry-go-round) and vertical spinning vertigo (comparable to the feeling of an elevator going up or down). This type of vertigo often occurs spontaneously, for example, when the sufferer lies down or changes the position of their head while lying down. Spinning dizziness can last from a few seconds to several hours. In contrast, a prolonged dizziness attack, for example over several days, occurs very rarely. Like all forms of vertigo, rotary vertigo is not a disease in its own right, but a symptom and can therefore have a variety of causes. Not all of these causes have to have a disease character. For example, flights, roundabout rides or unaccustomed physical stress can cause temporary spinning dizziness.


Spinning dizziness can be caused by various diseases or malfunctions. These include disorders in the balance center of the brain or even a disease or inflammation of the inner ear, where the organ of balance is located. It is not uncommon for nerves or vessels to be damaged or inflamed, leading to poor signal transmission. The result is unpleasant dizziness. Patients who frequently suffer from spinning dizziness may also have cardiovascular diseases or metabolic disorders. Psychological strain or an excess of stress can also cause the dizziness. Especially in the case of spinning vertigo, it should also be clarified whether there is a disease or injury in the neck and throat area.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Concussion
  • Sunstroke
  • Hypotension
  • Anemia
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Inner ear infection
  • Carotid stenosis
  • Drug addiction
  • High blood pressure
  • Meningitis
  • Ménière’s disease

Diagnosis and course

Rotational vertigo can usually already be diagnosed by the attending physician based on the patient’s description. More important in the following examination is to find out the actual cause of the complaints. For this purpose, an intensive discussion with the affected person is necessary. Examinations of the ears can provide information as to whether the organ of balance is affected. Additional blood tests provide information about any inflammations or infections in the body that could lead to the dizziness. If damage to the brain is suspected, a computer tomography scan is ordered. The spinning dizziness itself does not pose a danger to the organism. However, the particular cause requires appropriate treatment, otherwise it may, if necessary, become a threat to the health or even life of the affected person in the further course.


After a carousel ride, spinning vertigo passes quickly because it is a normal reaction to the constant spinning of the carousel ride. Persistent spinning dizziness, on the other hand, should be considered a possible indication of a serious condition. This includes the organ of equilibrium, which is located behind the inner ear, the eyes for sighted people as a stabilizer of the body (posture) and the proprioception (the body perception). If there is a disturbance in one of the senses, it can lead to rotary vertigo as well as other dysfunctions or even diseases. Thus, in the course of constantly recurring spinning vertigo, nystagmus (jerky and involuntary eye movements) may develop. If a diagnosis is not made at an early stage with subsequent therapy by a neurologist or in the dizziness outpatient clinic, the sense of balance can be permanently disturbed by an impairment of the vestibular organ or the vestibular nerve.Damage to nerve pathways in the brain is also conceivable. Serious complications are also to be feared in the form of worsening underlying diseases such as tinnitus, Meniere’s disease as well as inner ear damage. Neuralgia, brainstem syndromes and other brain diseases are also included and can progress from a cause to a complication if treatment is not given in time. It also cannot be ruled out that an existing diabetic disease will worsen.

When should you go to the doctor?

As soon as you suddenly feel dizzy after riding a carousel or changing from squatting to standing, it is an expected condition. Everything is spinning and swaying. The causes lie in the sudden change of direction. In a healthy person, the triggering symptoms are normally regulated by the circulatory system and the organ of equilibrium after a short time. Rotational vertigo that persists over a long period of time is not a normal symptom. It should therefore never be taken lightly. Accompanied by visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting, rotary vertigo can also be an alarm sign of other serious illnesses. In elderly patients, it can be a harbinger of an impending stroke. The following reasons give reason to seek medical advice without fail:

  • Continuous dizziness with balance problems.
  • Dizziness attacks due to certain head movements
  • Sudden onset without cause
  • Recurrent attacks after taking medication
  • Additional symptoms, such as hearing problems, fatigue, fainting, shortness of breath, poor circulation or increased pulse, fever
  • Persistent spinning dizziness after accident or mechanical impact.

Depending on the degree of discomfort, a doctor should be consulted in any case. It is recommended to go to the family doctor, because he has knowledge of health problems of the patient. In this way, the doctor can more quickly identify possible causes and make a tentative diagnosis. Consultation of other specialists is also necessary. In acute situations, however, the emergency physician should be alerted immediately!

Treatment and therapy

If spinning dizziness occurs only in connection with, for example, a strong physical or mental stress or after a flight or a carousel ride, it generally does not require medical treatment. In these cases, it is a temporary irritation that subsides on its own. If symptoms occur more frequently or persist over a longer period of time, appropriate therapy is necessary. The exact type of treatment depends on the individual cause. If the symptoms are due to an infection, this can be treated with antibiotics. An inflammation of the vestibular nerve can be treated well in many cases by certain physiotherapeutic exercises. This also applies to complaints caused by problems in the neck and throat area. With the help of regular exercises, tensions can be relieved and the general sense of balance strengthened. Many patients experience a significant improvement in their state of health as a result. If the organ of balance is damaged and cannot be restored, surgical removal of it is possible. However, such interventions tend to be rare, as torsional vertigo can be cured in most cases without the need for prolonged therapy.

Outlook and prognosis

As a rule, rotary vertigo is only a short-term symptom, which in many cases disappears again on its own. Spinning dizziness can be triggered by stress, a lack of fluids, or illness. In most cases, however, the rotary vertigo disappears when the disease has been fought. If the spinning dizziness is too severe, an emergency physician must be called. In these cases, it often happens that people lose consciousness, which can end in severe injuries. Therefore, if the spinning dizziness occurs during an activity, the activity must be stopped immediately. A doctor must be consulted if the spinning vertigo occurs constantly, making everyday life difficult. Treatment is usually by medication, surgical interventions do not take place.With treatment, the spinning vertigo can be resolved in most cases and will not lead to further complications or problems. Without treatment, there may be stress, headaches, or other complications that arise from the spinning vertigo. Persistent spinning vertigo can be a serious condition that definitely needs to be evaluated by a doctor.


Since rotary vertigo usually occurs spontaneously and is not itself a disease, but only a symptom, prevention in the true sense can not take place. If complaints of rotary vertigo occur more frequently, possibly accompanied by headaches and nausea, a doctor should be consulted in any case to clarify the causes of the vertigo.

What you can do yourself

Anyone who suffers from rotary vertigo (technical term: Meniere’s disease) knows that this discomfort is no trifle. The good news is that Meniere’s disease is fully curable. How can you help yourself? Avoiding stress is a top priority. Bed rest is recommended, as is quiet, deep breathing. The rule of thumb is to inhale through the mouth for four seconds, exhale for eight seconds, and do this for five minutes. A glass of water or something sweet also work, as fluids and sugar invigorate the circulation. However, food should be avoided in cases of severe balance disorders (when fainting is imminent) because of the risk of choking. In the acute state, walking aids and suitable footwear are appropriate. It is very helpful for the sense of sight to fix a fixed reference point with the eyes. Specific balance exercises and regular movements (such as dancing or ball games) also strengthen the sense of balance. By elevating the legs, the blood flows unhindered back to the heart, which brings up the blood pressure. In general, building up body tension in the form of stretching exercises on hands, fingers, legs is a proven way to increase blood pressure. To stimulate the energy pathways of the head, a circular five-minute finger massage of the crook of the thumb is a good option. For drug therapy (usually with the active ingredient betahistine), consider using medications to promote circulation and reduce anxiety.