Video Game Addiction: Signs, Therapy

Brief overview Description: Computer game addiction belongs to the behavioral addictions. Affected persons play excessively and neglect tasks, other interests and social activities. Symptoms: strong desire to play, increase in playing time, loss of control, continuing to play despite negative consequences, inability to abstain, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and depression. Diagnosis: Increasing gambling duration … Video Game Addiction: Signs, Therapy

Gaming Addiction

Symptoms The possible negative consequences and characteristics of a gaming addiction include: Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, aggression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts Sleep deprivation, sleep disturbances Tendonitis (tendon disorders), muscle and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sensory disturbances. Epilepsy, seizures Eye complaints Mental and psychiatric disorders Malnutrition, weight loss Obsessive preoccupation with … Gaming Addiction