Macular Edema: Causes, Symptoms, Therapy

Brief overview Description: Fluid accumulation (edema) at the point of sharpest vision (macula) of the retina, occurs relatively often in diabetes mellitus, leads untreated to vision loss Treatment: Depending on the cause, laser therapy, injections into the eye, rarely eye drops. Prognosis: Early diagnosis usually well treatable, untreated vision loss possible Symptoms: Often occurs insidiously, … Macular Edema: Causes, Symptoms, Therapy

Consequences | Stroke in the eye

Consequences The severity of the consequential damage caused by a stroke in the eye depends not only on the duration until the adequate therapy is initiated, but above all on the affected vessel. While occlusions of lateral branch veins usually cause only minor restrictions, the consequences of an occlusion of the central ocular vein can … Consequences | Stroke in the eye

Stroke in the eye

Definition For many, the frightening diagnosis of stroke in the head is well known. But many people do not know that a stroke in the eye can also occur. A stroke in the eye is the sudden closure of a vein in the eye. It is called retinal vein occlusion. Both older and younger people … Stroke in the eye

Symptoms | Stroke in the eye

Symptoms The stroke in the eye often sets in very suddenly and patients usually do not notice the process at first. The vein is closed without pain. Then suddenly various visual disturbances can occur after a stroke. The field of vision can be restricted, so that some areas become blurred or even not perceived at … Symptoms | Stroke in the eye

Therapy | Stroke in the eye

Therapy Early treatment of a stroke is extremely important to prevent consequential damage such as permanent blindness of the affected eye. The earlier the treatment, the better the chances. Initially, the focus is also on preserving the ability to see. This is followed by the fight against the cause of the stroke in order to … Therapy | Stroke in the eye

Macular dystrophy

What is macular dystrophy? Macular dystrophy is a disease of the retina, which is limited to the area of the macula (site of acuity) and leads here to a degenerative (destructive) process. It is hereditary and mostly affects both eyes and thus causes characteristic symmetrical, bilateral changes in the retina. However, macular dystrophy can also … Macular dystrophy

Morbus Still

What is Still’s disease? Still’s disease is also known as systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. This is a rheumatic disease that affects not only the joints but also the organs. The word juvenile means that it is a childhood disease, with less than one child per 100,000 children in Europe suffering from Still’s disease per year. … Morbus Still

Which organs can be affected by Still’s disease? | Morbus Still

Which organs can be affected by Still’s disease? It is characteristic of Still’s disease that internal organs are also affected in addition to the joint involvement. Various organs can become inflamed during the course of the disease and thus lead to complaints. The peritoneum (peritonitis), the pericardium (pericarditis) and the lung skin (pleuritis) are most … Which organs can be affected by Still’s disease? | Morbus Still

Diagnosis of Still’s disease | Morbus Still

Diagnosis of Still’s disease In order to arrive at the correct diagnosis, the exact anamnesis, i.e. the collection of the medical history, is crucial. Especially the symptoms are important. In addition, various blood tests are performed. A characteristic feature of Still’s disease is a significant increase in the inflammatory parameters in the blood. These include … Diagnosis of Still’s disease | Morbus Still

Course of Still’s disease | Morbus Still

Course of Still’s disease In most cases, the disease begins with recurrent fever attacks and rashes as well as tiredness and exhaustion. Joint complaints often manifest themselves months after the first symptoms appear. The course of the disease and the prognosis vary greatly from individual to individual.In some cases, the disease completely recedes in childhood … Course of Still’s disease | Morbus Still