Histamine Intolerance Symptoms and Causes

Symptoms The following pseudoallergic symptoms occur after ingestion of histamine-rich foods. The same person may not be affected by all of the symptoms. Diarrhea, stomach pain, colic, flatulence. Headaches and migraines, “histamine headache“. Dizziness Stuffy nose, runny nose, also known as gustatory rhinorrhea (runny nose when eating). Sneezing Headache Asthma, asthma attack Low blood pressure, … Histamine Intolerance Symptoms and Causes

Premenstrual Syndrome

Symptoms Premenstrual syndrome is a syndrome occurring in women with psychological and physical symptoms that occur in the run-up to menstruation (luteal phase) and disappear at the beginning of menstruation. It is not the menstrual symptoms that occur during menstruation. Depression, anger, irritability, anxiety, confusion, lack of concentration, insomnia, increased appetite, craving for sweets, tightness … Premenstrual Syndrome

Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

to overview Vitamins General information Vitamin B12 (or cobolamine) is a water-soluble vitamin, which is mainly found in animal products such as liver or fish and which the human body cannot produce itself. Since it is important for functions such as cell division and cell formation, blood formation and also for the nervous and cardiovascular … Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

Vitamin B5 – pantothenic acid

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Pantothenic acid occurs both in animal and in vegetable products, particularly plentifully in yolk, liver and kidney. In addition it is formed by our intestine bacteria. It is developed from beta Alanin and Pantoinsäure. Further Vitamin B5 is contained in: Nuts, rice, fruit, vegetables and brewer’s yeast. Its most … Vitamin B5 – pantothenic acid

Orthomol Vital F

General information Orthomol Vital F® is a dietary supplement that can reduce or prevent fatigue and exhaustion through its ingredients. It is suitable for medical purposes such as a balanced diet. The Orthomol Vital® preparation is available for men and women. Orthomol Vital M® is especially suitable for the treatment of men. For women, the … Orthomol Vital F

Dosage forms | Orthomol Vital F

Dosage forms Orthomol Vital F® can be taken in various forms: In general, regular and long-term intake of Orthomol Vital F® is recommended to cover the micronutrient requirements of the immune system. Drinking bottles: one should drink the contents of a drinking bottle daily with or after a meal. One bottle corresponds to the recommended … Dosage forms | Orthomol Vital F

Help with Sleep Disorder: That Really Helps: Treatment, Effect & Risks

About six percent of Germans have sleep disorders at least occasionally. Regular sleep disorders can have serious consequences for health, in addition to irritability and fatigue. People who regularly have problems with healthy sleep often suffer from a chronic lack of sleep. We speak of sleep disorders when those affected have problems falling asleep properly … Help with Sleep Disorder: That Really Helps: Treatment, Effect & Risks