Red eyes

Synonyms Red eye in the broadest sense: conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis Definition reddened eyes Red eyes is the leading symptom of conjunctivitis. However, the red eye can also occur in many other eye diseases. The conjunctiva is the primarily affected structure of the eye. It usually appears whitish. Red eyes rarely occur as the sole symptom. In … Red eyes

Vitreous hemorrhage

Synonyms Medical: Intravitreal bleeding Definition vitreous hemorrhage A vitreous hemorrhage is the penetration of blood into the vitreous cavity of the eye. This is located behind the lens of the eye. Depending on the amount of blood entering during a vitreous hemorrhage, it can cause varying degrees of symptoms. At the beginning, the patient notices … Vitreous hemorrhage

Optic atrophy

Synonyms (Opticus = optic nerve; atrophy = decrease in cell size, decrease in cell count) Death of the optic nerve, optic nerve atrophy Definition Optic atrophy Optic atrophy is the loss of nerve cells in the optic nerve. The nerve cells either decrease in size or in number. Both are possible. Atrophy can have various … Optic atrophy

Eales Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Eales syndrome is an ocular vasculitis associated with retinal damage, vitreous hemorrhage, and visual loss. The causes of the disease are as yet unclear and may correspond to a wide variety of contexts ranging from autoimmunological processes to tubercolotic phenomena. Symptomatic treatment of the syndrome encompasses medicinal and ophthalmic surgical steps. What is Eales syndrome? … Eales Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Eye surgery

General Information Eye operations are considered as therapy if visual aids and eye medicines can no longer help to improve the symptoms. They are therefore regarded as a last resort to alleviate a visual impairment or to cure a serious eye disease. The most common eye operation currently performed is cataract surgery, which is performed … Eye surgery

Laser treatments | Eye surgery

Laser treatments State-of-the-art laser surgical techniques called “laser epitelial keratomileusis” (LASEK) and “laser in-situ keratomileusis” (LASIK) are used to grind the inside of the cornea with an excimer laser until normal refractive power and thus the eye’s vision is restored. LASEK is used to correct myopia down to minus six diopters and hyperopia up to … Laser treatments | Eye surgery

Eyelid tumor

Synonyms tumor of the eyelids, eye tumor, cancer, eye cancer Definition Eyelid tumors are tumors of the eyelids. They can be both benign and malignant. Benign tumors include benign tumors Malignant tumors include Warts or also Fat deposits (xanthelasma) Blood sponges (hemangiomas). Basaliomas Melanomas General information The malignant eyelid tumor that occurs most frequently (approx. … Eyelid tumor

Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome is the name given to a very rare condition that is already congenital. The condition is noticeable by arteriovenous malformations in the retinal blood vessels and facial changes. What is Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome? In the medical community, Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome is also known as congenital retinocephalofacial vascular malformation syndrome (CRC syndrome) or Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Among … Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Autologous serum eye drops

English: autologous eyedrops Synonyms Eye drops from own blood Definition The so-called autologous serum eye drops are eye drops that are obtained from the patient’s own blood. This type of treatment is used for a wide variety of diseases affecting the cornea of the eye. They can be used for dry eyes (sicca syndrome), corneal … Autologous serum eye drops