How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? In order to be able to diagnose the cause of the watery diarrhea, the medical history is important, as well as various other diagnostic methods. The patient’s medical history can usually already exclude some diseases on the basis of the accompanying symptoms. If the course is rather acute, it … How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement treated? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement treated? The treatment of watery diarrhea depends on the cause of the symptoms. If it is a viral infection, the cause itself cannot be treated directly, but the symptoms can. For example, the lost fluid and electrolytes lost through the watery diarrhea can be replaced. The affected person should drink … How is watery bowel movement treated? | Defecation like water

How long does watery bowel movement last? | Defecation like water

How long does watery bowel movement last? The duration of the watery bowel movements is generally very variable.Sometimes the diarrhea can only occur over a few hours and is then usually harmless. However, watery bowel movements can also occur over several days or weeks. In most cases, the prognosis is then somewhat worse, as the … How long does watery bowel movement last? | Defecation like water