Slimy bowel movements

Introduction – what is a slimy bowel movement? Mucilaginous bowel movements are mainly characterized by their slimy deposits. In principle, the bowel movement can be either solid or rather liquid. In addition, the bowel movement can take on different colors, which may indicate the cause of the slimy bowel movement. In most cases, the bowel … Slimy bowel movements

Diagnosis of mucusy bowel movements | Slimy bowel movements

Diagnosis of mucusy bowel movements The diagnosis of the symptom mucusy stool is based on a detailed anamnesis. The doctor will ask about the possible causes of the mucusy stool and find out the duration and, if necessary, other accompanying symptoms. This is followed by a physical examination, in which the abdomen in particular is … Diagnosis of mucusy bowel movements | Slimy bowel movements

Treatment of slimy bowel movements | Slimy bowel movements

Treatment of slimy bowel movements In many cases, mucous bowel movements do not need to be treated in the classical sense. Especially when certain foods or medications are responsible for the mucus in the bowel movement, it is sufficient to leave out these substances and not to consume them. If, on the other hand, pathogens … Treatment of slimy bowel movements | Slimy bowel movements

Green bowel movement

Green bowel movements are a rather rare occasion for consultation with a doctor and in most cases they are not associated with a real disease value. One-off events are usually due to irregularities in the course of digestion. Only a repeated or frequent occurrence of green bowel movements should give cause for concern and further … Green bowel movement

Can this be an indication of cancer? | Green bowel movement

Can this be an indication of cancer? The unique occurrence of green stool is not an indication of the presence of cancer. Only in the case of repeated occurrence, or if the bowel movement is continuously green and no other suitable explanation for the green coloration of the stool can be found, can cancer be … Can this be an indication of cancer? | Green bowel movement

Flatulence | Green bowel movement

Flatulence Flatulence usually occurs in combination with green bowel movements when diarrhoea is the cause. If diarrhoea-causing pathogens infect the intestine, certain types of bacteria can cause increased gas production, which then manifests itself in the form of flatulence, since the air must somehow escape from the intestine. In general, however, it can also be … Flatulence | Green bowel movement

Classification and severity levels | Fecal incontinence

Classification and severity levels There are various systems for classifying the severity of fecal incontinence. In everyday clinical practice, however, the classification of fecal incontinence according to Parks is used above all. This system divides fecal incontinence into three degrees: Grade 1: This is the lightest form of bowel incontinence, which cannot be held back … Classification and severity levels | Fecal incontinence

Fecal incontinence

Synonyms Bowel incontinence, anal incontinence Introduction The term incontinence (fecal incontinence) is used to describe a disease associated with the inability to hold back both bowel movements and intestinal wind arbitrarily. Fecal incontinence can affect people of all ages. As a rule, however, older people are affected much more frequently. Patients suffering from this form … Fecal incontinence

Black bowel movement

Introduction Black stool usually refers to a particularly dark coloration of the stool. The causes are often to be found in nutrition or medication. If this is not the case, one must first think of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Depending on the cause of the stool change, black stool can be accompanied by both … Black bowel movement

How black stool is diagnosed | Black bowel movement

How black stool is diagnosed In the case of black stools, the anamnesis (doctor-patient conversation) is the first point of reference. The doctor should ask whether the black stool may have been caused by food, for example. Otherwise, a physical examination of the abdomen should be performed. An ultrasound should also be performed. Blood tests … How black stool is diagnosed | Black bowel movement