Physiotherapy for wrist arthrosis

Wrist arthrosis is a degenerative (due to wear and tear) disease characterized by the breakdown of the cartilage layer. Arthrosis develops from an imbalance between the load and load capacity of the joint cartilage and can be divided into primary and secondary arthrosis. Primary arthrosis is an inferiority of the cartilage, the cause of which … Physiotherapy for wrist arthrosis

Ointments for chronic inflammation | Physiotherapy for an inflammation of the wrist

Ointments for chronic inflammation Ointments are a supplement to the therapy, also in the case of chronic inflammation. There are many different preparations that are more or less suitable for certain indications of inflammation. The most common examples are listed below: Proff 5% Gel/doc/Dolobene®: These ointments contain the prostaglandin inhibitor ibuprofen. Ibuprofen has analgesic and … Ointments for chronic inflammation | Physiotherapy for an inflammation of the wrist