Ergonomic office chair

Definition The term ergonomic desk chair is not protected, so there is no uniform definition of what characteristics an ergonomic desk chair must have. However, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has drawn up a guideline as to which recommendations apply to an ergonomic desk chair. Particular attention should be paid to a … Ergonomic office chair

Circular Saws: But Safe!

Working with circular saws, especially the popular and widely used hand-held circular saw, is one of the most dangerous and accident-prone DIY jobs. Cut injuries to the arms and hands are particularly common. For your safety: Read the operating instructions thoroughly and clarify all open questions calmly and until you have mastered the device safely … Circular Saws: But Safe!

Heat-free in the office

Introduction As temperatures rise and performance declines, many workers wonder what rights they have in hot weather. At school, ‘heat-free’ is pronounced much more often than at work. Nevertheless, there are circumstances in which employees can also be granted heat-free in the office. What are the requirements for heat-free in the office? The labor law … Heat-free in the office

Are there differences for office or outdoor work? | Heat-free in the office

Are there differences for office or outdoor work? The employer has a duty of care and is responsible for protecting the health of his employees. For outdoor work, working in heat is not clearly regulated. Employers are obliged to protect the employees and to enable cooling measures, such as awnings, fans or drinks. Is the … Are there differences for office or outdoor work? | Heat-free in the office

Am I allowed to go on holiday with a ban on employment? | Employment ban during pregnancy

Am I allowed to go on holiday with a ban on employment? In principle, it is also permitted to go on holiday during a ban on employment. However, in order to be sure of this, it is advisable to have a doctor certify in advance that your holiday is harmless to your health. It may … Am I allowed to go on holiday with a ban on employment? | Employment ban during pregnancy

Does the ban on employment have any effect on my parental allowance? | Employment ban during pregnancy

Does the ban on employment have any effect on my parental allowance? The parental benefit can be paid up to 14 months after the birth of the child. A prohibition of employment during pregnancy has no effect on the amount of the parental benefit, since its calculation is based on the salary of 12 months … Does the ban on employment have any effect on my parental allowance? | Employment ban during pregnancy

Does the employment ban look different if you are expecting twins? | Employment ban during pregnancy

Does the employment ban look different if you are expecting twins? When a child is about to be born, the Maternity Protection Act provides for protection periods from 6 weeks before birth to at least 8 weeks after delivery. If a twin or multiple pregnancy exists, these periods change accordingly. A ban on employment of … Does the employment ban look different if you are expecting twins? | Employment ban during pregnancy