
What is Prolia®? Since 2010 the active ingredient Denosumab is on the market, which is distributed by the company AMGEN under the trade names Prolia® and XGEVA®. The human monoclonal IgG2 anti-RANKL antibody is used for the treatment of bone loss (osteoporosis). The efficacy is achieved by Denosumab interfering with the so-called RANK/RANKL system of … Prolia®.

Mode of action | Prolia®.

Mode of action All bones are in a state of constant remodeling. Two types of bone cells are particularly important for bone metabolism: osteoblasts (for bone formation) and osteoclasts (for bone resorption). These communicate with each other by means of various signal molecules. The RANKL molecule formed by osteoblasts is one such signal molecule. It … Mode of action | Prolia®.

Interactions | Prolia®.

Interactions No interaction studies were performed. However, the risk of interactions with other drugs is considered to be low. Miscellaneous Studies on the long-term risk and long-term benefit of Prolia® are not yet available. Also studies comparing the active ingredient Denosumab with similar drugs with a different mode of action, such as bisphosphonates, have not … Interactions | Prolia®.