Burning when urinating | Symptoms of Chlamydia infection in women

Burning when urinating

Burning when passing water can have various causes. In most cases it is caused by a bacterial inflammation of the urinary tract (e.g. cystitis). Further and above all feared causes with this symptom are sexually transmitted diseases, like Chlamydia trachomatis. An untreated Chlamydia infection can in the worst case lead to infertility. You should therefore consult a doctor if you have a burning sensation when urinating.

Pain in the abdomen

The abdominal pain can have many different causes and is therefore not specifically due to a bacterial infection with Chlamydia. They can often be associated with menstruation, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancies and other gynecological diseases. If the abdominal pain occurs together with an inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes, a chlamydia infection could be behind it. Chlamydia infection can also trigger the clinical picture of lymph granuloma inguinale, which can lead to inflamed lymph nodes in the groin region, which can also be very painful. If the pain is very severe or lasts longer, you should consult your doctor.

Cervical Inflammation

If no early treatment with antibiotics has been started in the context of a Chlamydia infection, the bacteria can ascend from the vagina via the uterus to the fallopian tubes and cause an inflammation of the fallopian tubes (med. Salpingitis) there. This is a dreaded complication, as it is associated with female infertility. In the case of an inflammation of the fallopian tubes, one usually has unilateral pain in the lower abdomen with a strong feeling of illness. Nausea and vomiting can also occur more frequently.

Ovarian Inflammation

A bacterial infection with Chlamydia can lead to ovarian inflammation, among other things. This occurs especially if the infection has not been treated for a long time. It is common for the chlamydia to cause adhesions in the ovary. In the worst case, the adhesions can lead to infertility, which can make artificial insemination necessary if a child is to be born.