Incubation period of shingles

The incubation period is the time between contact with a pathogen and the first symptoms of the disease. The incubation period of shingles The disease of shingles is always a reactivation of viruses (resurgence of an infection), which persist in the nerves. The viruses are transmitted to a person at the first infection and trigger … Incubation period of shingles

Shingles on the stomach

Definition The reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the abdominal region is called shingles on the stomach. This is an inflammation of the nerves caused by viruses. Shingles can manifest itself in different parts of the body, but it often occurs on the abdomen. This means that the viruses that once caused chickenpox are now … Shingles on the stomach

Therapy of shingles on the abdomen | Shingles on the stomach

Therapy of shingles on the abdomen The treatment of shingles on the abdomen consists on the one hand of a symptomatic therapy against the pain and inflammatory reactions. On the other hand, the therapy usually includes virustatics. These are drugs that act against viruses. Depending on the severity of the disease and individual circumstances, the … Therapy of shingles on the abdomen | Shingles on the stomach

Complications of shingles on the abdomen | Shingles on the stomach

Complications of shingles on the abdomen As a rule, the symptoms of shingles on the stomach subside after a few weeks without complications. Sometimes, however, complications can occur. If the blisters have been scratched open during the disease, bleeding and melting may occur in these areas of the skin. Irreversible pigmentation disturbances or scars can … Complications of shingles on the abdomen | Shingles on the stomach

Shingles without rash

Shingles is a disease that can occur at any age and is usually accompanied by severe redness, blistering and pain in a certain area of the skin. The disease is caused by a virus called herpes zoster virus. The special thing about shingles is that you can only get it if you have had chickenpox … Shingles without rash

Shingles during pregnancy – That’s how dangerous it is!

Introduction Shingles, also called zoster, is caused by the varicella zoster virus. This virus is also responsible for causing chickenpox, which usually occurs in childhood. The rate of infestation of the population with this pathogen, i.e. what percentage of the population is infected with the virus (carrying it), is up to 90% regionally after childhood. … Shingles during pregnancy – That’s how dangerous it is!