Complications | Therapy of chickenpox

Complications Often the blisters become inflamed when they are scratched open because of the severe itching and bacteria (bacterial superinfection) can penetrate. The efflorescences (reddening of the skin) then heal with scarring. To provide relief to the children, tinctures can be applied to the affected areas to reduce the itching. In patients with a weakened … Complications | Therapy of chickenpox

Prognosis and course | Therapy of chickenpox

Prognosis and course The prognosis for varicella or zoster disease is generally good: the skin symptoms heal without scarring and the pain from zoster subsides completely after the nerve inflammation. After contracting varicella, one is immune to the virus for life, i.e. despite renewed contact with the virus one does not contract chickenpox. However, immunocompromised … Prognosis and course | Therapy of chickenpox

Prophylaxis | Therapy of chickenpox

Prophylaxis Children with chickenpox should be isolated during a hospital stay. 5 days after the appearance of the last fresh blisters of skin, chickenpox is no longer contagious. Children can go back to community facilities such as kindergarten or school without any risk of infection. There is an effective vaccination against the varicella zoster virus, … Prophylaxis | Therapy of chickenpox