Prophylaxis | Zygomatic fracture

Prophylaxis The development of a zygomatic arch fracture can only be prevented in very few cases. Special helmets that protect the zygomatic region do not exist so far. For this reason, the prophylaxis (prevention) of a zygomatic arch fracture is very difficult. However, athletes who have recently suffered a zygomatic fracture are recommended to wear … Prophylaxis | Zygomatic fracture

Zygomatic fracture

Synonym Fracture of the zygomatic boneA zygomatic bone fracture is a fracture of the bony zygomatic bone. The zygomatic bone is a bone that lies next to and below the orbit in the area of the upper half of the cheek. The presence of a zygomatic bone fracture can often be observed, especially in athletes. … Zygomatic fracture

Therapy | Zygomatic fracture

Therapy Depending on the extent of the injuries, zygomatic fractures can be treated either surgically (conservatively) or non-surgically. Patients who have a non-displaced (non-dislocated) zygomatic arch fracture can be treated conservatively in most cases. For these patients it is recommended that physical protection is maintained for a few weeks. In addition, possible swellings in the … Therapy | Zygomatic fracture

Prognosis | Zygomatic fracture

Prognosis A zygomatic fracture can also be corrected surgically in most cases if there are several bone fragments and a pronounced dislocation. In particular, the aesthetics of the face can be fully restored by specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery in most of the affected patients. For this reason, the prognosis of a zygomatic fracture … Prognosis | Zygomatic fracture