Use of medication against nail fungus | Medicines for nail fungus

Use of medication against nail fungus

The use of the different drugs depends on the type of drug. Locally active substances are offered in the form of ointments, gels or solutions. Drugs belonging to this group must usually be applied to the infected nail surface several times a day.

The hands must not be washed for the first half hour after application. Special varnishes against nail fungus can be applied according to a simple nail varnish. Ideally, the affected patient should roughen the nail surface with a fine-grained arrow before applying the varnish.

In this way, the active ingredient can penetrate the nail substance better and combat the fungal attack more effectively. In this context, however, it should be noted that the nail arrows used are considered contaminated after only one application and must be disposed of immediately. With repeated use of the same arrows always new fungal cells would be distributed on the nail surface and thus a healing would be nearly impossible.

Beside the conventional nail mushroom medicines different household remedies can be used particularly with light fungus infestation. In most cases, the affected patient should prepare a solution from household remedies (for example vinegar) and simple tap water. During application, the solution can be taken up with a cotton ball or a cotton swab and generously distributed on the nail surface.

Also when treating nail fungus with a household remedy, the application must be made several times a day over a period of at least two to three weeks. If the treatment is stopped too early, any remaining fungal cells will multiply and cause the nail fungus to break out again. Also the typical oral medication against nail fungus differs in its application. Since these medicines may be acquired only under medical control (prescription drugs), the appropriate application must be discussed with the treating physician. However, the patient affected by fungal nail fungus should be advised to follow the doctor’s instructions exactly.