Use of ointments for rib bruising | Treatment of a rib contusion

Use of ointments for rib bruising

If you are interested in alternative healing methods, there are also active ingredients from the field of homeopathy that can be used for rib contusions. In this case you only have to be aware that the active ingredient in homeopathy is diluted or potentiated many times over. This article is not intended to report on the advantages and disadvantages of homeopathy.

If you have already had good experience with homeopathy, the following active ingredients are available for treating pain and swelling in the case of a rib contusion. Ideally, you should choose the active ingredients that best suit your symptoms and then treat the bruise with only one preparation. You should choose it in a low dosage and usually take 5 globules three times a day.

If you are taking homeopathic medication in drop or tablet form, the usual dosage is up to 20 drops three times a day or 3 tablets a day. On the one hand “Bellis perennis” is suitable for the treatment of rib bruises. Bellis perennis is popularly known as daisy and is used for bruises and injuries of all kinds, but also for bronchitis.

Its action is mainly related to deep injuries that cause swelling and is similar to arnica, but unlike arnica, it has the advantage that the pain and swelling improves with continued movement. In some cases it is also used when there is still swelling after treatment with arnica. Thus we would already be at the next active substance that can be used in the field of homeopathy for the treatment of rib bruises: Arnica, also “Arnica montana“.

It belongs to the arboreals and is used for injuries of all kinds or pain after injuries. Another remedy is “symphytum” or also comfrey. This is available both for oral intake and as an ointment for local rubbing in.

It is a member of the family of ragweed and is classically used for all kinds of bony injuries, but also for compressions, bone tumors or even bruises. As a last resort, the so-called “Ranunculus bulbosus“, also known as buttercup from the buttercup family, should be mentioned here. It is used in particular to treat pain that is made worse by pressure on the affected area, inhalation and exhalation or cold. Finally, especially in the case of homeopathy for rib bruises, every patient should consult his treating physician about the therapy he advises him to take. Personal wishes or ideas can always be expressed, because after all, a satisfied and cooperative patient is always the patient who will recover faster.