Virus infections | Lymph node swelling causes

Virus infections

Viruses are pathogens that can attach themselves to many parts of the body. They often trigger a simple cold, and sore throats are also often caused by viruses. These acute infections are often accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck.

But viruses can also cause diseases of the deeper respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract.In these cases, too, lymph node swelling occurs, which is usually located near the affected organ. Some childhood illnesses, such as chickenpox, measles and rubella are also caused by viruses and trigger lymph node swelling in addition to a variety of other symptoms. Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

In addition to febrile tonsillitis, the main symptom is lymph node swelling. Lymph nodes all over the body can be affected, but a clear swelling of the cervical lymph nodes on both sides is very typical. In addition, in about half of the cases the spleen is also affected by swelling, and occasionally there is also swelling and inflammation of the liver.

Rubella is a typical viral infectious disease of childhood. Classically, a small-spotted skin rash occurs first on the face, later on the entire body. In addition, fever often occurs, often similar to a mild flu-like infection, and swelling of the lymph nodes occurs.

The lymph nodes behind the ear and along the sides of the neck are particularly affected, and the spleen can also be enlarged during the infection. Prevention against rubella usually takes place within the framework of MMRV vaccination (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella = chickenpox) in early childhood. HIV infection is an infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, which can be transmitted sexually and via blood contact.

In the first phase the symptoms are similar to those of influenza or whistling glandular fever. However, the virus remains in the body and weakens the immune system over the course of several months, leading to stage 2, in which persistently elevated body temperatures and lymph node swelling can occur. With adequate therapy, the progression of the disease can be halted for a very long time.

It is only in the last stage that AIDS, a disease caused by HIV, breaks out. Due to their barely functioning immune system, affected persons suffer from a variety of infectious diseases. Do you have further questions about HIV infection?